Crystals for Pregnancy

Crystals for Pregnancy The crystals for pregnancy I have listed here are to assist with the journey from conception through birth. They are stones that I have used, but no that you are your own best guide and that this is a time or you being very in touch with your bodies needs and your…

How to Refocus your Mind in 1 MInute

    If you could clear your mind, clarify your thoughts, improve your relationships and visualize the path to achieve your goals, all in under two minutes or less, you’d do it, right? Sure, you can do a lot of things in under two minutes ― brush your teeth, make your bed, bake any of…

6 Difference Between Wisdom and Book Smarts

1. Knowing Versus Understanding “Any fool can know. The point is to understand.” – Albert Einstein There is often a vast, gaping chasm between knowing something and understanding it in greater detail. You may know that combining chemical X with chemical Y produces a rather explosive result, but this knowledge is NOT the same as…

Crystals For Weight Loss

Deciding Which Type of Crystal To Use Consulting a crystal healing guide is a great way to figure out which crystals to use for which problems and scenarios. We’ve included one below to get you started. However, your intuition will always be your best guide. You can ask the crystal or stone how they want…

The Healing Power of Crystals

The Healing Power of Crystals What Type of Healing Can You Expect From Crystals? You can use crystals to heal everything from migraines to anxiety and beyond. Healing crystals can also accelerate your meditation practices, align your 7 chakras and even induce trance states under the right conditions. There’s no limit to the types or…

Relaxation Techniques for People Who Can’t Meditate

It can be more difficult for people with chronic anxiety to meditate, because they have more stress-ridden thoughts than the average person, according to clinical psychologist Mitch Abblett. That said, there are plenty of ways to achieve the same level of relaxation without sitting cross-legged on the floor. They’re all rooted in a technique called…

7 Crystals for Attracting Abundance and Healing

7 Crystals for Attracting Abundance and Healing CITRINE Superpowers A stone of the third chakra, which is the energetic power center of the body, citrine catapults a woman into embracing a leadership role, making things happen in business. It is associated with creativity and wealth. Not only can citrine assist with asking for and getting,…

What is Yoga

YOGA 101 A set of specific exercises, called poses, combined with specific breathing techniques and meditation principles are the building blocks of a yoga class. If a pose causes pain or proves too difficult, there are variations and modifications that can be made to help students. Props like blocks, blankets and straps — even chairs…

10 Yoga Poses You Should know

  The building blocks of yoga are poses. These are good ones to learn as you build a regular yoga practice. These 10 poses are a complete a yoga workout. Move slowly through each pose, remembering to breathe as you move. Pause after any pose you find challenging, especially if you are short of breath,…

Yoga Poses for Beginners

  If you are brand new to yoga, there are certain postures that are essential for you to learn so you can feel comfortable in a class or practicing on your own at home.   It’s not easy to narrow everything down since there are over 300 positions in the physical yoga (asana) practice, but…

Crystals for Protecting your Aura

What is your Aura? The subtle bodies that surround the physical body are collectively known as the aura. The purpose of the aura is to act as a protective screen to block out and repel the negative energies, thoughts, and feelings of others, and also to prevent leakage of your own energy. However, holes, known…

Crystals for Spiritual Awakening

  Crystals operate much like a magnet, but think about it in relationship to energy beyond the 3rd dimension. If you’re looking at it in 3D, obviously it’s pretty much just a rock. If you look at it through a higher dimensional lens however… you start seeing something unique. You see waves, pushing and pulling…

Top 10 Assumptions People Make on your Appearance

Top 10 Assumptions People Make on your Appearance If you’re attractive, people assume you have other positive traits as well. Jason Merritt/Getty Images Thanks to a phenomenon that social psychologists call “the halo effect,” we tend to assume that good-looking people possess other positive qualities aside from their looks, such as intelligence and commitment. Daniel Hamermesh, a University of Texas…