How do Horoscopes Work

A horoscope is an astrological chart or diagram representing the positions of the Sun, Moon, planets, astrological aspects and sensitive angles at the time of an event, such as the moment of a person’s birth. The word horoscope is derived from Greek words hõra and scopos meaning “time” and “observer” oroscopeThe word Horoscope comes from…

12 Healing and Relaxing Herbs

  12 Calming Herbs and Relaxing Teas   Calming herbs and relaxing teas for stress and anxiety relief are important natural remedies for holistic healing and well-being. They take the edge off the health damaging distress resulting from feeling nervous, stressed out, and overwhelmed. Herbs for stress help you face emotionally distressing situations with a…

Crystal Powers and Meanings

More about healing Stones and Crystals   Agate If your life constantly feels out of balance, with one aspect going well while another spins out of control, use agate to establish stability with its grounding energy. Connecting with your physical power, this crystal will slowly but surely help you to build up your strengths and…

How to See AURAS

  What is an Aura? An Aura is in its simplest terms the electromagnetic field that surrounds every living thing on the planet, from humans to plants. It is an electromagnetic field that is quantifiable by scientific research. As human beings our aura is particularly complex with seven distinct layers each of which affects our…

Power of Stones

Crystal healing therapy involves placing gemstones on the body to draw out negative energy. Crystal healing is an alternative medical technique in which crystals and other stones are used to cure ailments and protect against disease.

Transcental Meditation

Transcendental meditation is the simplest and easiest form of meditation. This century old meditation technique has been known to reduce stress in the most straightforward way. This Vedic knowledge from India has been handed down by generations to keep the tradition alive. It gained popularity due to the uncomplicated form of practice which just requires…

How Can Face Reading Heal

How can face reading be healing? Have you ever wondered why people’s faces are so different? Some are memorable with prominent features like a big nose or squinty eyes…whilst others blend in with the crowd? Face Reading – What’s in a face? When you know what to look for, a person’s face is an insight…

All you Need to Know About Yoga

  Yoga involves Eight Basic Principles “Yama” means restraint and involves following characteristics such as ahmisa(compassion for all), satya( truthfulness), asteya (non-stealing) and brahmacharya (celibacy or regulated sex life). “Niyamas” means observances and involves: hri (remorse), santosha (contentment), dana(giving alms), astikya (having faith in the guru), ishvarapujana (worshipping the Lord), siddhanta shravana (studying scriptures), mati…

Crystals for Baby’s Room

3 Crystals For A Baby Room To Help Them Feel Safe And Settle Welcoming a new baby into the world is a magical time. Creating a space for baby that helps them to feel secure and happy allows the transition from being totally connected to mum to being in their own space easier. For each…

World’s Largest Crystal Cavs Naica Mine in Mexico and Empress of Uruguay, this is the largest Amethyst Geode

World’s Largest Crystal Cave Naica Mine The spectacular Giant Crystal Cave is connected to the Naica Mine, located in Chihuahua, Mexico. It goes around 300 meters bellow the surface. The main chamber contains the largest selenite crystals ever found, some of them reaching 11 meters in length, 4 meters in diameter and about 55 tons in weight.…

7 Year Chakra Development

Chakra Development CLICK INTO THE IMAGE TO SEE IT BIGGER. This is a table of human development of the chakras. I did not invent this table, you can find it here (the original text is in russian but you could put it into google translator if you are not russian speaking). The table was designed to gives a…