Crystals for Good Luck

Crystals for Good Luck and Lucky Stones for Strength and Protection Good Luck Love Stones See the world through rose tinted glasses by tapping into the universal love of rose quartz. This stone will open up your heart chakra to every kind of love that you need—whether it’s self-love, familial love, friendship love, love for…

Citrine Crystals Positive Effects and Healing Properties

Best of Citrine Crystals Positive Effects and Healing Properties. Natural Citrine Healing Crystals What is Citrine? Citrine is a yellow stone made from silicon dioxide. It can be seen in white to brown colors apart from the yellow common shade. One of the popular yellow healing crystals, citrine connects with your higher chakras to clear…

Best Crystals for Valentines Day

Rose Quartz The quintessential stone of Unconditional Love! Rose quartz opens up our heart chakras to assist with all forms of love: self love, family love, platonic love, and  romantic love! Its lovely pink color has become the symbol of love throughout the world. Aventurine A stone to assist in all aspects of healing the…

How does Healing Crystal Jewelry Work

Healing Crystals are used to activate, balance, or amplify the energy of the chakras. Crystal healing is based on the belief that stones or crystals have a natural healing frequency that can be activated to contribute to moving or balancing energy around them. In the case of chakra stones, the vibrational signature of each crystal…

Crystals & Chakra Stones Chart

Crystals & Chakra Stones Chart The ROOT CHAKRA’S color is red, other colors associated with the Root Chakra are black brown, and gray. Chakra stones like garnet, onyx, and red jasper are beneficial. The NAVEL CHAKRA’S color is orange. Chakra stones like carnelian and orange zincite help to bring the system into balance. The SOLAR…

Heart Chakra Healing Crystals

Using Crystals for Heart Chakra Healing: The anahata chakra stones are raw emerald, fuchsite, rhodonite, chlorite phantom points, rose quartz and shungite. Emerald and shungite are particularly powerful in this layout, but feel free to chose any pink crystals or green gemstones that speak to you. 1 Fuchsite Stone: This stone brings powerful healing energies…

Clear Quartz Vs Rose Quartz Crystal Properties

Clear Quartz Vs Rose Quartz Crystal Properties Quartz (Rose Quartz) Heals the heart Reawakens trust Releases tension and stress Dispels fear and suspicion Calms the mind Assists in releasing worry, fear, anxiety and past emotional trauma Helps balance physical heart Rose Quartz Crystal Properties A stone of unconditional love, rose quartz works by opening your…

Crystal Properties Guide

Agate If your life constantly feels out of balance, with one aspect going well while another spins out of control, use agate to establish stability with its grounding energy. Connecting with your physical power, this crystal will slowly but surely help you to build up your strengths and diminish your weaknesses with acceptance. With increased…

Soilar Plexus Chakra Healing

The solar plexus chakra stones we chose for this layout are pyrite, citrine, orange calcite, tiger’s eye, yellow agate, and shungite. Any yellow stones will work, so pick the ones that speak to you. 2 Pyrite stones: Pyrite holds the energy of a ray of golden sun. This stone allows us to look within through…

Best Crystals for Your Astrology Sign

Aries, you can thank your ruling planet Mars for influencing your fiery personality, which makes you the natural born trailblazer that you are. While you’re not afraid to be assertive, you balance out acts of passion with integrity. You are courageous and independent. Due to the leadership qualities you possess, it is important to connect…

Sacral Chakra Crystal Healing

Using Crystals for Sacral Chakra Healing: The healing stones we used for this formation are Shungite, Tangerine quartz, Carnelian, Goldstone, and Angel Phantom Quartz. These are just a few of the sacral chakra stones you can use for a sacral chakra healing formation. 1 Large Shungite and 4 small Shungite stones: Shungite is the most…

Rose Quartz Crystal Properties

A stone of unconditional love, rose quartz works by opening your heart to all types of love, including self love, romantic love, love of the community, friends, family, and everything on Earth. When you hold rose quartz stones while meditating or wear it as jewelry, it surrounds you with a sphere of love energy, which…