15 Steps from Dreamer to Achiever

Achievers are great dreamers What dreams in life would you have, if you knew you could not possibly fail? What particular dream would make you happiest in fulfilling? Firstly, Have total faith: in yourself and especially in God – a Higher Power, Supreme Being, Who cares deeply about you and really BELIEVE God, Life, Your…

50 Top Moments Captured In Sport

Best Captured Moments in Sport Doubles  Or should we say playing triplets? we can’t pinpoint what is so perfectly timed about this photo, but perhaps it’s the combination of the colors (the yellow shirt and the yellow tennis ball) and the fact that the ball is positioned right in the middle of this player’s chest…

What Marijuana Does to Your Body and Mind

What Marijuana Does to Your Body and Mind Marijuana can make you feel good. AP Photo/Brennan Linsley One of weed’s active ingredients, tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, interacts with our brain’s reward system, the part that has been primed to respond to things that make us feel good, like eating and sex. When overexcited by drugs, the…

Numerology Life Path Numbers

  How to find your Life Path number First, reduce each unit of your birth date (month/day/year) to a single-digit number or a Master number (Master numbers are 11, 22 and 33). Next, add each of the resulting digits (or Master numbers) together and reduce the total again to a single digit, or a Master…

Crystals for Nervousness

Crystals for Nervousness — When you are nervous, hold Watermelon Tourmaline, Sapphire, or Amethyst to calm your nerves. Wear continuously or hold for 15-20 minutes until you feel relaxed. Remember to take a few deep breaths to help calm and center yourself.
Related Chakras: Solar Plexus and Heart

Yoga for Toning and Detox

Toning Yoga Pose #1  – Bridge Pose   Bridge Pose – Lie flat on your back and bend your knees so that your feet are hip-distance apart and about 10 inches from your pelvis. Keep your arms and bent legs in a straight line, palms facing down. Using your abs and legs, slowly lift your back…