Crystals for Love and Intimacy

Best Crystals for Love Sex and Intimacy. Red Jasper: This stone invigorates the libido and prolongs sexual excitement. It energizes and cleanses the sacral chakra and its related organs. This stone is especially useful for increasing virility in men. Rose Quartz Stone: Rose quartz opens the heart to love and trust between partners. It also helps…

Best Crystals to Use During Mercury Retrograde

Using healing crystals for mercury retrograde helps you to stay grounded, calm and focused. Amazonite helps you to speak with clarity and grace, fostering clear communication. It offers calming and soothing energies, which will prove to be beneficial during this time of anxiety and stress. Fluorite emits peace and harmony, and helps to release stress…

Crystal Healing Guide

How Does Crystal Healing Work? Research into the structure of the atom over the last few hundred years has revealed that everything in our entire universe is made up of energy. Even solid objects, like a piece of furniture or the hair on your head, are really just vibrations of energy at the most fundamental…

30 Best Quotes on Spirituality

30  Quotes on Spirituality and Mindfulness

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How Spiritual Energy and Chakras Effect You

Here is a summary of the human chakra system: • There are seven primary chakras and five external chakras in the human body, • Each chakra acts as an transponder (input/output), • Each chakra has their own unique frequency, • The health of each chakra (the strength or amount of Ka energy that naturally flows…

Crystals for Job Interviews

Crystals for Job Interviews — Let Citrine, Aventurine, and Ruby help you with your job interview. Citrine is one of the top prosperity crystals plus this happy stone attracts success. Aventurine brings good luck and abundance. Ruby is for abundance and to give you the passion, confidence, and motivation to go after the job you…

Crystals for Inflammation

Crystals for Inflammation — Reduce inflammation with Galena, Pyrite, Blue Chalcedony, Blue Lace Agate, or Malachite. Hold to the site of inflammation or carry with you as needed. This can also help as prevention for future flair ups.

Crystals for Passion

Crystals for Passion — Ignite your passion with Ruby or Garnet. Wear or carry with you. You can also place them in a grid at each of the 4 corners of your bed. Add a little Rose Quartz for an extra romantic and loving touch.
Related Chakras: Root and Sacral

Crystals for PCOS

Crystals for PCOS — Moonstone and Carnelian can aid those with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). Moonstone balances hormones, regulates menstrual cycles, and assists with fertility. Carnelian also helps to regular menstrual cycles as well as supports the health of the ovaries. See the website for other PCOS related health issues like weight and diabetes.…