Crystal Healing Properties Index

A grounding stone.
Soothing and calming.
Brings great strength.
Facilitates acceptance of oneself and builds self confidence.
Encourages speaking ones truth. Overcomes negativity.
Heals emotions.

Amethyst is an extremely powerful and protective stone.
Teaches us how to access and follow our intuition.
Helps one feel focused and facilitates the decision making process.
Enhances memory and improves motivation.
Use amethyst to balance highs and lows and to promote emotional centering.

Ametrine powerfully combines Amethyst and Citrine.
Fast and effective in its action.
Clears stress and tension from the head.
Calms the mind and brings greater focus to meditation.
Enhances compatibility and acceptance of others.
Stimulates creativity and supports taking control of one’s own life.

Angelite facilitates conscious contact with the angelic realm. It helps you speak
your truth whatever it might be. It helps you to be compassionate and excepting.
It alleviates psychological pain and creates a deep feeling of peace and tranquility.

Apatite is a stone of manifestation.
Aids communication and self expression on all levels.
Draws off negativity about oneself and others.
Clears confusion, expands knowledge, eases sorrow, apathy and anger.
Reduces irritability and emotional exhaustion.
Balances energy in the base chakra and endorses passion without guilt.

This is a stone of courage and fortitude.
Provides peace, tranquility and serenity.
Said to be effective as a treatment for anxiety.
Excellent to help enhance communication skills.
Highly creative stone.
Gives you the strength you need to take responsibility for yourself in your life.

Encourages psychic and intuitive development, urging the soul toward enlightenment.
Releases long-standing blocks in communication.
Clears stress, worry, grief and sadness, allowing light into the emotions.
Transmutes fears and phobias, bringing understanding of why they occur.

Black Spinel (unavailable at this time in the zj shop)
A protective stone.
Connected with energy renewal and rejuvenation.
Offers encouragement in difficult circumstances.
Offers insights into material problems and gives you the stamina to continue.
Facilitates movement of the kundalini energy.

Bloodstone is a powerful healer.
It heightens intuition and increases creativity. A grounding and protecting stone, it is an excellent revitalizer.
Bloodstone calms the mind and helps with the decision making process. It reduces irritability, aggressiveness and impatience.

Blue Lace Agate
Opens and clears the throat chakra.
Makes self-expression easier.
Helps speaking and validating one’s emotional truths.
Offers courage and helps shyness.
Excellent for creative work.

Bronzite is used for protection.
Repels negative energy and sends back the negative energy to the sender.
Instills a polite nature in those around you.
Clears confusion and helps us make positive life choices and instills the courage to follow through.
Resolves unsettled emotions.

Heals the body’s sacral center for creative and emotional energies.
Provides a deeper appreciation with one’s body.
Greater connection with friends and lovers and reduction of guilty feelings.
More spontaneous, energetic and motivated individual.

The bright blue color of blue chalcedony has the calming effect of the ocean.
Allows you to speak your truth with confidence and ease.
If you are not sure exactly what your truth is, allow the energetic qualities of this stone to speak to you.

Chakra Balancing
There are 7 main Chakras, located in a line aligned with the spine.
The crown of the head, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral, and root.
Each chakra corresponds to a gemstone that helps to heal and balance that chakra.
When the Chakras are functioning properly, the body’s physical & subtle energies are in balance and harmony.

The stone of transformation.
Stimulates inner vision and spiritual insight.
Helps you to accept the present moment as perfect.
Bestows drive, vigor, spontaneity.
Reduces stress and worry.

Cherry Quartz
Cherry Quartz teaches you how to find humor in all situations and bring divine
love into everything you do. Creates a harmonious, loving environment and wraps you in a cloak
of love wherever you may be. Reduces anxiety replacing it with tranquility.

Stone of tranquility and joy.
Helps draw off negative energy of all kinds.
Invokes great inner strength.

Promotes hope and gives personal insights.
Draws out talents and stimulates creativity.
Stimulates acceptance of oneself and others.
Useful for forgiveness and compassion.

Associated with prosperity, success and abundance.
Promotes optimism and encourages harmony in the home and work environments.
Excellent stone to stimulate the third chakra (solar plexus or power center)
Promotes joy, good fortune, energy and vitality.

Red Coral- aids conception, pregnancy, fertility
Black Coral- male fertility
White Coral- psychic development
Reconnect with nature.
Attracts love and prosperity.
Brings inner peace, optimism and peace.
Understanding of purpose.

Dalmatian Stone
A protective stone that transmutes negative energy. Stimulates your sense of fun and
is fortifying for the spirit. A useful pick-me-up for depression and energy depletion. Helps you
to get out of your head and into your body. Harmonizes emotions. Assists safe sleep and
prevents night terrors.

A symbol of purity and amplifier of energy.
Will pinpoint anything that is negative and requires transformation.
Effective when used with other crystals for healing as it enhances their power.
Bonds relationships, bringing love and clarity into a partnership.
The stone of manifestation, attracting abundance.
Also imparts fearlessness, invincibility, and fortitude.
Clears emotional and mental pain, reduces fear and brings about new beginnings.

Drusy Stone
These tiny crystal formations provide a joyous healing energy.
Energizes your aura and promotes creativity.
Helps promote inner strength.
Believed to encourage ideas or thought forms to grow.

A symbol of love and good fortune.
Used for abundance, growth, peace, harmony, patience, love, fidelity and honesty.
Provides inspiration and helps those in need of balance, healing, and infinite patience.
Lifts depression, helps with insomnia, knowingness of the heart and peaceful dreams.
Helps the wearer gain physical, emotional, and mental equilibrium.

Fire Agate
Deeply connected to the Earth, with strong grounding powers.
Provides a calming energy, bringing security and safety.
Strongly protective, especially during difficult times.
Stimulates vitality on all levels, allowing the body to “mellow out” and achieve extreme relaxation.
Dissolves fear, eliminates cravings and dispels destructive desires.

Fluorite is a highly protective gemstone and can help overcome chaos
Stabilizes & cleanses the aura
Draws off negative energies and stress of all kind
Dissolves fixed patterns & ideas, helping to see the bigger picture.

Powerfully energizing and regenerating.
Balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate.
Inspires love and devotion.
A useful stone to have in a crisis.
Brings courage and hope into seemingly hopeless situations.
Opens the heart and bestows self confidence.

The stone of ambition and drive with a gently uplifting quality.
A good deflector of unwanted energies, therefore is a protection stone.
A transmitter stone which helps convey or receive as a medium.
Goldstone is helpful to the solar plexus chakra.
Reduces stomach tension and protects the center of the body.

Green Aventurine
Benefits in all areas of creativity and imagination, as well as intellect and mental clarity.
Enhances prosperity and brings career success.
A gentle stone energetically that gives a sense of calm and balance and enhances happiness.
Helps one to see alternatives and potentials in all situations.

Green Tourmaline
An excellent healer and helpful for visualization.
Opens the heart chakra.
Promotes compassion, tenderness, patience and a sense of belonging.
This nurturing stone brings balance and transforms negative energy to positive energy.
Rejuvenates and inspires creativity.
Magnetizes the wearer to prosperity and abundance.

A strong stone which grounds and protects.
Endows us with courage, strength and vitality.
Dissolves negativity.
Boosts self-esteem and survivability.
Enhances willpower and imparts confidence.
Stimulates concentration and focus.

This is an extremely protective stone. It promotes self development in the quickest way
possible. It teaches you how to create your reality though your thoughts and your attitudes.
It shows how to develop inner strength and manifest your highest potential. This optimistic
stone teaches you how to be totally open and honest in emotional communication.

Extremely calming, excellent antidote to insomnia.
Provides wisdom and insight.
Formulates ambitions, both spiritual and material and aids in achieving them.

Iron Pyrite
An excellent energy shield.
Blocks out negative energy and pollutants.
Taps into abilities and potential, stimulating the flow of ideas.
Promotes diplomacy.
Relieves anxiety and frustration. Boosts confidence.
Improves memory and recall.

A vision stone.
Stimulates connection to inner knowing.
Help you express your true self.
Releases discord within relationships.
Encourages taking responsibility for yourself.

Jade is a symbol of purity and serenity.
Increases love and nurturing.
Believed to attract good luck and friendship.
A protective stone which keeps the wearer from harm and brings harmony.

Known as the “supreme nurturer.”
Sustains and supports during times of stress bringing tranquility and wholeness.
Reminds people to help each other.
Absorbs negative energy and cleanses and aligns the chakras and the aura.
Aids quick thinking, and promotes organizational abilities and seeing projects through.
Stimulates the imagination and transforms ideas into actions.

An extremely spiritual stone with a high vibration.
Awakens the heart center producing loving thoughts.
Radiates peace and connects you to universal love.
A protective stone. Dispels negativity. Shields the aura. Encourages self-expression.
Promotes tolerance and trust.

Excellent for attunement & meditation.
Aligns the chakras & connects to spirit guides.
Encourages speaking one’s truth, cutting through fears & blockages.
Slices through confusion, anger, frustration & stress.

Iridescent labradorite is a highly mystical and protective stone, a bringer of light.
Raises consciousness and connects with universal energies.
Stimulates intuition and psychic gifts.
Banishes fears and insecurities and strengthens faith in the self and trust in the universe.

Lapis Lazuli
Quickly releases stress, bringing deep peace and serenity.
Encourages taking charge of life.
Reveals inner truth and aids self awareness.
Allows self-expression without holding back.
It teaches the value of active listening.
A protective stone which assists in contacting spirit guardians.

Radiates love, peace, tranquility and equanimity.
Facilitates angelic contact.
Alleviates guilt, removes fear and brings clarity.
Encourages “going with the flow” and brings a playfulness to life.
Assists in finding a soulmate or soul purpose in life.

Leopard Skin Jasper (unavailable at this time in the zj shop)
Assists in listening to your inner voice. Teaches you to assess a situation with clarity. Reduces insecurities, heals the
emotional body and strengthens the sense of self. Provides protection and balance while you are meeting challenges
and fulfilling goals. Helps to overcome guilt, fear and emotional stress bringing tranquility.

Magnesite (unavailable at this time in the zj shop)
A stone of deep peace, meditation and relaxation.
Stimulates love for the self and unconditional love for others.
Helps in recognizing subconscious thoughts and feelings, surfacing them for better understanding.
Calms emotions, promoting tolerance for emotional stress.

This is a protective and powerful stone.
It is a stone of transformation.
It is believed by some people that it is still evolving and will be one of the most important healing stones of the new millennium.
It grounds spiritual energies onto the planet.
On the heart it brings balance and harmony.

Claimed to promote long life and happiness.
Is said to attract friendship and loyalty towards the wearer.
Provides peace of mine and accessibility to one’s inner self.
Helps soothe and balance emotions.

The stone of Divine Love
This delicate yet powerful stone opens one to the frequency of the universal heart.
It attracts love and maintains it. Assists in connecting with angelic energies,
helps release unhealthy emotional patterns and aids in developing trust.
Brings joy and inner strength.

Moss Agate
Strongly connected with nature.
A stone of new beginnings.
Said to refresh the soul and enable you to see the beauty in all you behold.
A stone of wealth, Moss Agate attracts abundance.
Improves self-esteem, and releases fear and stress.
Balances emotions, and encourages trust and hope.

A mystical stone with a strong angelic contact.
Allows you to recognize your projections.
Helps you to see that the things you do not like in another are really the characteristics you cannot accept in yourself, and then aids in the integration and transformation of these qualities.
Stimulates unconditional love and acceptance.
Releases tension.

Impels us to grow and lends solid support while we do so.
Works extremely fast and with great power.
Strongly protective, forming a shield against negativity.

Has served as a worry stone for centuries.
Has the ability to soothe fears & worries & controls overwhelming emotions.
Provides a positive outlook in times of stress.
Enhances self control and stimulates the power of wise decision making.
Encourages happiness & good fortune.
Onyx is grounding & can be used to deflect or absorb the negativity of others.

A delicate stone with a fine vibration.
Associated with love, passion, desire and eroticism.
Aids in accessing and expressing one’s true self.
Enhances self-worth.

Considered the mother stone.
Fosters motherly love and maternal bliss.
Inspires purity, innocence, serenity, tranquility and focus.
Helps us get in touch with the simple, honest things in life.
Said to ensure good health and longevity.
Attract wealth and protection.

Opens, cleanses, and activates the heart & solar plexus chakras.
Burdens, guilt, or obsessions are cleared.
Teaches that holding on to people, or the past is counterproductive.
Shows you how to detach yourself from outside influences & to look to your own higher energies for guidance.
This stone also sharpens the mind & opens it to new levels of awareness.

A stone of vision, Pietersite accesses the third eye and stimulates intuition.
It is said to hold the key to “the kingdom of heaven.”
It links everyday consciousness to the universal, reminding you that you are spiritual beings on a human journey.
It dispels illusions, dissolves stubborn blockages and clears confusion, linking to inner guidance.

Pink Tourmaline
Tourmaline attracts love in the material & spiritual world.
Provides assurance that it is safe to love.
Inspires trust in love & confirms that it is necessary to love yourself before you can hope to be loved by others.
Heals emotional pain & old destructive feelings through the heart chakra, which it cleanses promoting peace & relaxation.

Poppy Jasper
A strongly physical stone, Poppy Jasper resonates with the base chakra, bringing vitality and passion.
Useful when fresh motivation is needed, this stone acts like an adrenaline kick.
Imparts determination and the courage to get to grips with problems assertively.
Stimulates imagination and helps transform ideas into action.

Serene Prehnite is a stone of unconditional love & the crystal to heal the healer.
Induces deep meditation in which the higher self is contacted.
Enhances inner knowing.
A stone that enables you to always be prepared, no matter what.
Calms the environment & brings peace & protection.
An excellent stone to help you to make your home a healing sanctuary.

Considered “master healer”.
Excellent for unblocking energy or treating any condition.
Helps to facilitate growth & awareness.
Excellent stone for meditation & brings clarity to the wearer.
It also enhances communication with your Higher Self & Spirit Guides.

Represents selfless love and compassion.
Imparts a positive attitude.
Helps attract a soulmate or your soul purpose in life.
Brings a lightness to life.
This is a stone that insists that you face the truth about life, about yourself and other people with loving awareness.
Encourages passion.

An emotional balancer that nurtures love.
Stimulates, clears and activates heart energy.
Clears away emotional wounds and scars from the past.

Rhyolite ignites the potential and creativity of the soul. It facilitates change without
enforcing it, assists in fulfilling quests and facilitates knowing from a soul level. Enhances
self esteem and self worth. It imparts a sense of self-respect and acceptance of your true self.

Rose Quartz
Used for opening your heart’s center & healing your emotions.
Enhances tenderness &kindness & encourages us to be loving, peaceful & gentle.
Emanating unconditional love, it helps in attracting positive, gentle energy into one’s life.

Rutilated Quartz
An illuminator for the soul.
Promotes spiritual growth and cleanses the aura.
Connects to soul lessons and the plan for the present life.
Draws off negative energy.
Encourages letting go of the past and promotes forgiveness at all levels.
Soothes dark moods and acts as an antidepressant.

Brings integrity, devotion, happiness and romantic love.
Enhances generosity and brings prosperity.
A stone that has been known to be very protective of home, worldly possession, and children.
It is a stone of high energy and power that promotes healing on all levels.

A symbol of sincerity, truth, and faithfulness.
Enhances creative expression, knowledge, intellect, clarity, inspiration, memory, and intuition.
Helpful in the elimination of unpleasant thoughts, encourages love, generosity, loyalty, communication, and opens the mind to beauty.

Aids spiritual exploration.
Stimulates the crown chakra and opens psychic abilities.
Opens pathways for the kundalini energy to rise.
Helps you to feel more in control of your life.
Corrects emotional imbalances and assists the conscious direction of healing energy toward problem areas.

Smokey Quartz
Excellent for removing negative energy of any kind & transforming it to positive energy.
A very protective, grounding & comforting stone.
Enhances survival instincts.
Can help one reach personal & business goals.
Assists in making wishes come true.

Snowflake Obsidian
Teaches you to value mistakes as well as successes. A stone of purity, providing balance for the body,
mind and spirit. Helps you to recognize “wrong thinking” and stressful mental patterns. It promotes
inner centering. With the aid of Snowflake Obsidian, isolation and loneliness become empowering.

Opens spiritual perception.
Helps you to remain true to yourself and stand up for your beliefs.
Eliminates mental confusion.

A joyful, light-inspiring stone.
Heightens intuition.
Brings a sweetness to life and helps you to nurture yourself.

Tiger Eye
Most recognized for bringing money, protection, courage and luck.
Builds confidence & clear thinking & speaking.
Allows us to recognize both our talents & our faults.
Helps change anxiety & fear into practicality & logic.
A stone for people who need more confidence to accomplish their goals.
Draws helpful people & material things to the wearer.

A mellow empathetic stone.
Soothes, heals, stimulates, recharges, & aligns the meridians of the body.
Promotes truth & forgiveness.
Brings about a trust in the universe that enables you to “be” rather than to “do”.
Cuts through doubt & uncertainty.
Topaz’s vibrant energy helps you discover your own inner riches!

Tourmalinated Quartz
A grounding & strengthening stone.
Aids in eliminating patterns, which are, or may have been destructive in ones own life.
Balances yin/yang energies.
Aids in adjusting imbalances throughout the body.
Protects against negativity & protects one from being victimized by the negative energies of others.
An effective problem solver.

A powerful healer, Tourmaline balances all the chakras, transforming dense energy into a lighter vibration.
Aids in the understanding of oneself and others, encouraging empathy.
Promotes self-confidence, banishing fears and doubt.
Attracts inspiration, compassion, tolerance and prosperity.

A very sacred stone used for centuries by the Native American’s in all healing work.
A stone of peace, serenity and tranquility.
Increases protection, wisdom, balance, honest communication, strength, friendship and love.
Beneficial for the entire body, especially the respiratory and immune system.
Helps improve all diseases.

Watermelon Tourmaline
“Super Activator” of the heart chakra.
Helps to overcome emotional upset.
Can generate love, tenderness & friendship.
Increases self-confidence and helps diminish fears.
Said to provide protection from all physical dangers.
Assists understanding of circumstances & expressing intentions clearly while finding the joy in any situation.



Amethyst – Serenity. Helps to calm the mind and ease anxiety. Works in the emotional, spiritual, and physical plane to provide balance, patience, and peace.

Apatite – A stone for the spirit, provides inspiration and uplifting energy. Stimulates the intellect and creativity, allowing one to find new solutions and gain a higher perspective. Beneficial for the Throat Chakra, eases communication on personal and group levels. Helps the heart to heal.

Black Agate – Confidence. Increases courage, strength and confidence. Provides protection. Releases stress and increases energy. Said to stabilize emotions.

Black Tourmaline – Protection. On all levels – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Helps to purify one’s area of electromagnetic smog, transmutes negative energy into positive energy.

Bloodstone – Strength. Believed to enhance courage, and understanding of the benefits behind each hard-won victory. Can help to revitalize and open the heart, tempering strength with compassion.

Carnelian – Courage. Brings good luck and manifestation of one’s desires. Can assist in finding the right mate.

Celestine – Stimulates the spiritual senses and your connection to the celestial vibration. Aids in accessing the Divine and receiving guidance from the higher realms. Soft blue celestine brings a calm, centered and uplifted feeling into the emotional body.

Charoite – Healing. Known as a soul stone with strong physical and emotional healing energies. Transforms many kinds of negativity, fear and anger into positive feelings. Helps to reveal the most direct path of healing and overcome any resistance to the healing.

Chrysocolla – loving goddess energy, known as a “teaching stone”, encourages speak ones highest truth. Facilitates empathic communication between all beings by promoting the expression of heart energy. Assists one in owning the value of ones experiences, knowledge and contribution in this world.

Citrine – Creativity. Encourages a cheerful outlook, opens the way for good fortune. Enhances mental clarity, helping to manifest one’s cherished dreams and goals. Sparks creative energy and willpower.

Garnet – Inspiration. Enhances creativity and brings inspiration. Inspires love and devotion. Purifies, cleanses, and brings order to chaos. Boosts positive energy.

Green Aventurine – Luck. Strengthens will. Brings sense of purpose. Encourages creativity and intuition. Enhances prosperity and increases luck. Brings friendship into one’s life.

Golden Obsidian – a stone for protection against negativity in all forms. It also aids one in releasing blockages that holds one back from their true potential.

Hematite – Balance. Helps create balance between the mind and the body. Aids in meditation and sleep. Releases us from our old habits to allow growth towards higher values.

Indian Agate – a grounding and protection stone. Gives physical strength and emotional security. Strengthens body’s connection to the earth. Use as an aid in meditation.

Jade – a special gemstone of healing and stability. Helps to relieve anxiety and lightens emotions arising from excessive fear. Jade protects the wearer from the effects of negative energy or negative influences in one’s life. Blocks entry of external negative vibrations into one’s auric field.

Kyanite – A rare stone that helps to balance the chakra energies. The stone of connection, deepens communication on all levels – physically mentally and spiritually. One of the few stones that does not absorb negative energy and never needs cleansing.

Labradorite–opens imagination, raises consciousness, repels fear and insecurity. Helps to deflect unwanted negative energies, promote self discovery and encourages a fresh start in life.

Lapis lazuli – Inner Power. Helps to create and maintain a spiritual connection. Increases intuitive and psychic awareness.

Lava Stone – A powerful grounding stone, promoting strength, courage and stability in times of change. Excellent stress absorber, clears and purifies negativity. Helpful for calming the emotions.

Light Blue Jade – Trust. Jade works on the physical and spiritual plane. clams the wearer and centers the mind. Protective and lucky when worn as jewelry. Blue is the color of trust and peace.

Malachite – Spirit. Opens one’s heart to change and advancement. Aids in spiritual evolution. Assist in clearing past negative experiences.

Morganite – A stone of divine love and compassion. Helps to cleanse the emotional body of stress and anxiety, healing old wounds and bringing relief from hidden traumas.

Peridot – the stone of prosperity, warmth and overall well-being. Peridot aids one in perceiving and honoring the source of all abundance, which is the expression of universal love. Enables one to gently expand the ability to manifest abundance and fulfillment on all levels of life.

Rainbow Fluorite – Insight – Promotes spiritual development and brings a sense of peace. Quiets the mind. Strengthens insight and awareness. Brings calmness to chaos.

Rainbow Moonstone–Goddess Energy. Good for heightening intuition and insight. Balances the emotional body, enhances personal power, and nurtures of spirit.

Red Jasper – Fertility. Encourages an active and fulfilling sex life. It is a stone of fertility. Inspires a positive, joyful attitude and provides the energy to take creative action. Enhances dream recall.

Rhodonite – Grace. Promotes relaxation and brings a sense of well-being, confidence and self love. Opens one to unconditional love and increased service to mankind. Helps to mend a broken heart.

Rose Quartz – Love. Promotes love and compassion. Opens the heart chakra to all forms of love: self love, family love, platonic love, and romantic love.

Smoky Quartz – Uplifts. gently dissolves negative energies, including depression, and provides a protected space for positive energies to establish themselves.

Snowflake Obsidian – Purity. Balances body, mind, and spirit. Calms and soothes while opening the door to change. Enhances the ability to reach your inner self. Protection from harm.

Tiger Eye – Harmony. Helps to unite one’s will and desires, brings ideas into reality. Enhances integrity, willpower, practicality and correct use of power.

Turquoise Howlite – Connecting. Promotes emotional awareness, connection to one’s higher self. Enhances friendship, love, communication, and loyalty.

Yellow Rutilated Quartz – Growth. An energetic stone, helps to relieve fear, and promotes forgiveness. Useful for increasing mental focus and intuition. Aids in attracting love and creativity.

Rose Quartz

Love. Promotes love and passion. Opens the heart chakra to all forms of love: self-love, family love, platonic love, and romantic love.

Red Jasper

Fertility. Encourages an active and fulfilling sex life. It is a stone of fertility. Inspires a positive, joyful attitude and provides the energy to take creative action. Enhances dream recall.


Logic. Unites the logical with the spiritual. Encourages rational thought, objectivity, and truth. Brings truth to communications. Encourages honest emotions.

Snowflake Obsidian

Purity. Balances body, mind, and spirit. Calms and soothes while opening the door to change. Enhances the ability to reach your inner self. Protection from harm.


Amethyst – Serenity. Calms the mind and eases anxiety. Works in the emotional, spiritual, and physical plane to provide calm, balance, patience, and peace.

Amazonite – Self Discovery. A stone of truth, honor, and trust. Increases intuitive wisdom and improves communication. Protects against electromagnetic pollution.


Aventurine – Luck. Strengthens will. Brings sense of purpose. Encourages creativity and intuition. Enhances prosperity and increases luck. Brings friendship into one’s life.

Black Agate

Black Agate – Protection. Increases courage, strength, and confidence. Provides protection. Releases stress and increases energy. Said to stabilize emotions.

Brown Agate

Brown Agate – Confidence. Agate is good protective energy stone and is very calming and soothing. It can give courage, energy, strength, and dispels fears, all of which increase self-confidence. Agate also enhances creativity and stimulates the intellect and may bring luck.

Black Matte

Black Matte – Positive Thought. Aids in objective thinking, positive thought, spiritual inspiration, grounding, and control of emotions and passions. Helps to eliminate negative thinking.

Botswana Agate

Botswana Agate – Adaptation. Helps one handle change in a positive way. Increases creativity and intuition. Said to alleviate insomnia and bring pleasant dreams.


Carnelian – Courage. Brings good luck and manifestation of one’s desires. Can assist in finding the right mate.


Flourite – Insight. Promotes spiritual development and brings a sense of peace. Quiets the mind. Strengthens insight and awareness. Brings calmness to chaos.


Garnet – Inspiration. Enhances creativity and brings inspiration. Inspires love and devotion. Purifies, cleanses, and brings order to chaos. Boosts positive energy.

Green Jade

Green Jade – Heart. Helps the wearer to be more emotive and loving to nature and to the world. It removes heart and lung related and induces happiness in life.

Green Lace Agate

Green Lace Agate – Agates are grounding stones, bringing about an emotional physical and intellectual balance. They aid in centering and stabilizing physical energy.


Hematite – Balance. Helps create a balance between the mind and the body. Aids in meditation and sleep. Releases us from our old habits to allow growth towards higher values.

Indian Agate

Indian Agate – Grounding. Gives physical strength and emotional security. A good protection stone. Strengthens body’s connection to the earth. Use as an aid in meditation.


Lapis – Inner Power. Helps to create and maintain a spiritual connection. Increases intuitive and psychic awareness.
Light Blue Jade

Light Blue Jade – Trust. Jade works on the physical and spiritual plane. clams the wearer and centers the mind. Protective and lucky when worn as jewelry. Blue is the color of trust and peace.

Malachite – Spirit. Opens one’s heart to change and advancement. Aids in spiritual evolution. Helps clear past negative experiences.
Mookaite Jasper

Mookaite Jasper – Flexibility. Promotes energy and new ideas. Encourages versatility and helps in the acceptance of change. Helps with decision making. Blocks unwanted outside influences.
Picture Jasper

Picture Jasper – Awareness. Used to stimulate creative visualization. Creates harmony, balance and positive energy flow especially in business pursuits. Releases knowledge into consciousness.
Rainbow Jasper

Rainbow Jasper – Good Business. Rainbow Jasper can be used to develop business pursuits. It helps bring hidden thoughts, grief, fears and hopes to the surface so that they can be dealt with accordingly.

Rhodonite – Grace. Promotes relaxation and brings a sense of well-being, confidence, and self-love. Opens one to unconditional love and increased service to mankind. Helps mend a broken heart.
Snow Quartz

Snow Quartz – Focus. Stimulates the brain functions helping us to focus, concentrate, and control our thoughts, intentions, and actions. Balances our emotions.
Tiger Eye

Tiger Eye – Harmony. Helps to unite one’s will and desires, brings ideas into reality. Enhances integrity, willpower, practicality and correct use of power.
Turquoise Howlite

Turquoise – Connecting. Promotes emotional awareness. Connecting to one’s higher self. Enhances friendship, love, communication, and loyalty

Unakite – Vision. Opens the third eye. Helps balance and integrate the mind, body, and soul and give a feeling of completeness. Promotes good health during pregnancy.