Crystals 101


Grayish, yellowish, brownish, or green quartz with small platy mica inclusions (hematite or geothite also) is called Aventurine. The hardness is 7 and the streak is white.

ENVIRONMENT: Quartz is an important rock-forming mineral and developed in many different environments.

OCCURRENCE: Aventurine is found in Brazil, India and Russia.

NAME: Unknown.

LEGEND and LORE: Aventurine was revered by the ancient Tibetans. They used it to represent the “eyes” in sacred statues, thus symbolizing increased divinatory powers.

MAGICAL PROPERTIES: This stone is considered to be a gambler’s talisman. It is said that it will attract money. It is considered a “lucky” stone.

HEALING: This stone is associated with the Thymus Gland. It has been traditionally used for improving eyesight and healing diseases of the eyes.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: I use Aventurine as a Heart Chakra stone, to balance such stones as Rhodonite. In addition, I recommend it to those who are starting out on new paths or adventures because it is protective, but opens the eyes to “new horizons”.

NOTES: The yellow/brown form of Aventurine is from Russia. It is almost impossible to find anymore.

GREEN AVENTURINE: Called the “Stone of Heaven.” An all-around healer (mental, emotional physical). It soothes, heals, and balances. It opens and soothes a wounded heart. Enhances intelligence. Increases opportunities and motivation. Brings luck and adventures in love and games. A Prosperity stone.

BLUE AVENTURINE: All-around healer; opens and dissolves blocks in the brow center. Increases visionary powers and perceptions. Stimulates creativity and expression.

BLUE-GREEN AVENTURINE: An all-around healer (mental, emotional, physical). It soothes, heals, and balances. Connects the heart and throat centers helping one communicate in a more loving manner.

ORANGE AVENTURINE: All around healer to bring joy into one’s life. Works with the second chakra, dissolving creative blocks and healing sexual trauma. Aids in independence and originality.

AGATES: The workhorse of the stone world; slow forming, steady and reliable. Promote grace, good health, happiness, intelligence, longevity. One who looks upon an agate tells the truth and is aided in remembering. Agates are grounding and gentle. They are protection stones, stones for inheritances. They give strength, victory and attunement with the earth. They sharpen sight, illuminate minds and assist in discovery. They protect children from falling.

BANDED AGATES: Strong protectors, reinforcing your strength and providing protection if you are very sensitive. Helps one who needs extra courage or energy to face stress.

Guards against physical dangers.

Botswana Agate BOTSWANA AGATE: Protection for the super-sensitive (especially in crowds). Strengthens sexual energy. Eases the pain of loneliness. Helps with emotional understanding. Liberates mental feelings. Strengthens the immune system.

LACE AGATES: Aid attitudes – ease depression and despair. Their energy is circular and flowing. Lace agates do not protect, they encourage and support. Let them bring out your inner beauty.

Blue Lace Agate BLUE LACE AGATE: Wear or carry for peace and happiness. Calms the emotions and mind. Washes away mental clutter. Works on the thyroid. Brings total attunement to the senses.

MEXICAN LACE AGATE: Bolsters and strengthens your attitude.

White Lace Agate WHITE LACE AGATE: Called “Happy Lace.” It can support optimism and elevate your thoughts.

Pink Lace Agate PINK LACE AGATE: Adds to your happiness by helping you to rescue your attitude.

MOSS AGATES: Crown and brow center opener that connects the spiritual to the physical. Aura protector that neutralizes fears and opens the mind and Be-ing to new ideas. For meditation the clouds lead the mind into astral realms and expand consciousness. Eases emotional pain, aids creative visualization, increases trust and strength for earthly survival. Stimulates universal love. Connector to spirit guides, helps open communications with unseen entities. Helps you connect with nature spirits and the land. Gardener’s talisman, increases your plants’ fertility and ensures a bountiful crop or healthy flowers.

PLUME AGATE: Encourages creative visualization, that is, to create an image of what you want and then achieve your goal. Aids you to keep focused. Good job-hunting stone.

DENDRITIC AGATE: One or the most powerful protective stones for travel, for it can prevent you from getting fatigued or having an accident when traveling down the highway. Carry in your pocket or purse when traveling by air.

A variety of chrysoberyl. Aids internal and external regeneration, has positive influence on nervous system, spleen, pancreas. Helps to align mental and emotional body. Spiritual tranformation and regeneration. Reflects highest potentials of unfoldment. Joy, oneness with life.

AMAZONITE: Known as the “Hope Stone.” It inspires faith and hope. Balances the emotions. Helps align the heart and solar plexus chakras. Helps perfect personal expression and verbalizing. Works somewhat like rose quartz, but it flows more with the emotions towards others.

SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: Amber is not a true stone. It is fossilized resin of coniferous trees of the Oligoncene geological epoch, some thirty million years ago. It varies in color from pale yellow to dark brown, although some specimens have been found that are red. Amber is famous for containing insects and small animals of various kinds as well as leaves, bark and other contemporary detritus which became stuck and enclosed in the resin while it was still liquid. It is sometimes also called succinite. Amber is a very soft stone, with a hardness of 2 to 2-1/2.

ENVIRONMENT: The trees that exuded the resin for Baltic amber grew in what is now central and south-eastern Sweden. From there, it was carried by rivers and the sea to the present site.

OCCURRENCE: The most prolific source of amber is the Baltic seacoast to the north and west of a town now known a Kaliningrad in the USSR. Small deposits have been found in the Dominican Republic.

NAME: The name is derived from the Arabic. Succinite is from the Latin [succus], meaning “juice”. The ancient Greeks called it [elektron].

LEGEND and LORE: The ancient Greeks were the first to record information about amber’s “electrical” properties. If it is rubbed with a piece of silk, it will attract dust and ashes. Because of the inclusions of insects and small animals, it was often thought to contain the essence of life.

MAGICAL PROPERTIES: Amber has always been associated with magic. It is a favorite protective and enhancing stone of Wiccans and Shamans. It is a sensual, (amber is warm to the touch,) magnetic stone that attracts love.

HEALING: In ancient times, amber was burned to cleanse the air, especially during childbirth. It was also thought to improve eyesight by gazing into it.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: Touching amber is soothing to the nerves. Stones of the pale/bright yellow type are good “all-healers”, since they represent the energy of the Sun. I use them at the Solar Plexus, which is the center of Chi in the body.


SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: Violet to red-purple quartz is called amethyst. It is the same formula as Quartz (SiO2) with the addition of iron. Its hardness is 7.

ENVIRONMENT: Basic quartz is an important rock-forming mineral and developed in many different environments. Amethyst is often found in Quartz geodes.

OCCURRENCE: Gem quality stones come from Brazil, Uruguay, the Ural Mountains and Japan. Fine deep-colored amethyst occurs in the quarries in Patterson, New Jersey. Drusy amethyst (generally paler in color) is abundant in many silver mines in Mexico. Some specimens have been found in the Four Peaks region of Arizona.

NAME: The name comes from the Greek [A-methystos], meaning ‘not tipsy’.

LEGEND and LORE: Amethyst and magic have been connected for at least 2,000 years. The Greeks believed it to be an amulet against inebriation. It is one of the few stones specifically recommended for men to use for attracting women. Amethyst is the birthstone for February:

MAGICAL PROPERTIES: Amethyst can be used to increase psychic awareness, to sharpen the ‘sixth sense’. Because of this, many people keep a crystal with their I-Ching, tarot, or Rune tools. It is considered a very spiritual stone.

HEALING: This stone is the major stone for the Crown Chakra. This location deals with extrasensory perception. In addition, it can be used in this position for healing of the nervous system and the brain.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: I use this stone as a “calming” stone for those people who are “hyper” and anxious. It will also work for mild depression. (See Kunzite for severe/manic depression.) In addition, I recommend it for anyone who is addicted to alcohol or other mind/mood altering drugs.

NOTES: Heat treating Amethyst will change it from purple to brown or yellow, and many Citrines on the market are created this way. Amethyst from one particular mine in Brazil will turn green when heated. It is marked under the name of prasiolite. (Although this is actually the name of an entirely different mineral.


SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: Apophyllite is hydrous calcium potassium fluorsilicate which is often found with a small amount of iron and nickel. The chemistry is KCa4Si8O20(F,OH).8H2O. It ranges in color from clear thru white, gray, greenish, yellowish and reddish. The streak is white. Hardness is from 4-1/2 to 5. The crystals of this mineral are Tetragonal, usually cubelike or tabular, square in cross section. They will often have a pearly luster on one side.

ENVIRONMENT: Apophyllite forms at low temperatures and is commonly found in cavities in basalt of volcanic rock, where it is associated with zeolites and prehnite.

OCCURRENCE: There are many outstanding localities in North America where apophyllite can be collected. Excellent glassy crystals occur with prehnite in the basalt in the Watchung Mts., Passaic Co., New Jersey, and the same association has recently been found in a diabase near Centreville, Fairfax Co. Virginia. Large glassy crystals have come from the copper mines on the Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan.

NAME: The name comes from the Greek [apa], meaning ‘off’, and [phyllon], meaning ‘leaf’. This refers to the fact that the mineral flakes apart when heated in a flame.

LEGEND, LORE, MAGICAL PROPERTIES and HEALING: I was unable to find anything in any of my sources for this mineral.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: This is not a mineral that I have in my collection, nor have I ever seen one in person. However, judging from the information and the photos in the Audubon book, I can think of 2 possible uses. The first would be as a “heart stone”. This would be to regulate and strengthen the heartbeat. In conjunction with this, I can see it used as a stone for athletes, giving them stamina and strengthening the muscular structure. If the pearlesence of the stone was strong, I can also visualize it being used at the Transpersonal Point, in much the same manner as Moonstone.

1. Scientific, Environment, Occurrence and Name are from (or paraphrased from) “The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Rocks and Minerals”.

4. Personal Experience is from MY personal experience, journals and notebooks, by Tandika Star.

SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: Beryl is Beryllium aluminum silicate, frequently with some sodium, lithium and cesium. The chemistry is Be3Al2Si60qi. The hardness is between 7-1/2 and 8 and the streak is white. The name “Aquamarine” refers to the paleish blue, light blue-green or even light green variety of beryl. The green of aquamarine is a watery green without any trace of yellow and is due to iron, not chromium.

ENVIRONMENT: Beryl develops in pegmatites and certain metamorphic rocks. It occurs with quartz, microcline, and muscovite in pegmatites, and with quartz, muscovite, and almandine in schist of regional metamorphic rocks.

OCCURRENCE: Most Aquamarine comes from the pegmatites of Brazil, where crystals weighing several kilos have been found. Other deposits are in the Soviet Union (Transbaikalia, Urals and Siberia), Madagascar, the United States, and recently, Afghanistan.

GEMSTONE INFORMATION: The most valuable color is a rich, sky blue; but because the stone is pleochroic, even the blue stones have a green or greenish-blue tinge in one direction. Quite large stones, ranging from several carats to more than ten or a few tens of carats, are relatively common. Many are virtually free of inclusions. The most common cut is the emerald type, although mixed oval or pear-shaped cuts are not infrequent.

NAME: The name is from the Greek [beryllos], indicating any green gemstone. (The majority of Beryl mined is some shade of green.) “Aquamarine” was first coined by the Romans and means “water of the sea”.

LEGEND and LORE: Aquamarine is a traditional protective and luck stone for fishermen. In addition, it has been carved into cups and goblets because of the belief that it aids digestion and reduces body fluids.

MAGICAL PROPERTIES: This stone is associated with Sea Goddesses. It is recommended for increasing psychic abilities.

HEALING: Traditionally, Aquamarine has been used for relief of stomach disorders and as a diuretic. It has also been recommended for toothaches.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: I use Aquamarine for the elimination of excess body fluids. I’ve used it for kidney and bladder distress. It will also work as a “diet” stone because it not only relieves eating disorders, but soothes the emotions behind them. As an aqua stone, it can be used at the Throat Chakra for sore throats, tonsillitis and other inflammations. Magically, I use this stone to represent Dolphin and the feminine principles of the Oceans.

8. Other Scientific Information is from “Simon & Schuster’s Guide to Gems and Precious Stones”.

SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: Azurite is a basic copper carbonate. The chemistry is Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2. It varies from a rather dark blue thru “azure” blue. The streak is blue and the hardness ranges from 3-1/2 to 4.

ENVIRONMENT: Azurite is a secondary copper mineral and develops in the zone of alteration in all types of hydro-thermal replacement deposits, where it commonly occurs with malachite, limonite, and chalcopyrite.

OCCURRENCE: The copper deposits at Tsumeb, South-West Africa, have yielded some of the finest Azurite crystals in the world. The copper deposits in Arizona and Utah that yielded many fine specimens of Malachite also yielded outstanding specimens of Azurite. Fine Azurite crystals have also been found in the San Carlos Mine, Mazapil, Zacatecas, Mexico.

NAME: The name is from the characteristic azure-blue color of the mineral.

LEGEND and LORE: It is said that the priests and priestesses of ancient Egypt used this stone to enhance their spiritual consciousness. Edgar Cayce spoke of Azurite helping him attain a meditative state more easily. This mineral is associated with Sagittarius.

MAGICAL PROPERTIES: Azurite is associated with divination. When you are practicing precognition, hold a piece in your hand. This is a stone that likes to be touched…and touching it will help to release it’s energies.

HEALING: This stone is said to restructure molecules, revitalize the brain, rebuild gray matter and aid in developing embryonic babies in the womb.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: I usually include Azurite in layouts that are for the purpose of increasing divination, or Third-Eye abilities. It is also useful at the Third Eye Chakra for making sense out of a very emotional situation. Very often, the Azurite found in the Southwestern part of the U.S. is mixed with Malachite. This results in a beautiful blue stone with small green marks on it. When cut and polished in a spherical shape, these remind one of a planet. They are soothing to look at and hold.

NOTES: Azurite is an ore of copper and a minor ornamental stone.

SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: Bloodstone is a member of the Chalcedony family. It is a variety of quartz (silicon dioxide) often with some iron and aluminum. The chemistry is SiO2. It is dark, bright green spotted with red inclusions. The streak is white. This is considered a microcrystalline variety of quartz and is not found in crystal form.

ENVIRONMENT: Chalcedony is formed in several environments, generally near the surface of the earth where temperatures and pressures are relatively low. It commonly forms in the zone of alteration of lode and massive hydro-thermal replacement deposits and as bodies of chert in chemical sedimentary rocks.

OCCURRENCE: India, Germany.

NAME: This stone is also referred to as “heliotrope,” which is derived from two Greek words which signify “sun-turning”. It was given this name because of a notion that when immersed in water it would turn the sun red. Chalcedony is derived from Chalcedon, an ancient Greek city of Asia Minor.

LEGEND and LORE: This is one of the birthstones for March.

“Who in this world of ours, her eyes
In March first opens, shall be wise.
In days of peril, firm and brave,
And wear a Bloodstone to her grave.”

Ancient warriors often carried an amulet of bloodstone which was intended to stop bleeding when applied to a wound.

MAGICAL PROPERTIES: Because it is green, it can be used for “money spells”. It is also considered a “lucky” stone for athletes because it imparts courage and stamina.

HEALING: Heliotrope is used today in conjunction with anything having to do with blood.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: I consider the ancient uses of bloodstone in line with what I use it for today. In addition, I consider it a “cholesterol buster”, and wouldn’t hesitate to apply it to any with this type of problem. Generally I would use it at the Heart Chakra. I’ve also used it successfully in situations where I needed “courage” to accomplish something. I will just carry a piece of it in my pocket for this purpose.

NOTE: Chrysoprase, carnelian, jasper and agate are all forms of Chalcedony.


BOJI STONES: General healing and balancing. A happy stone, a mood elevator. Attunes us to nature. Srengthening, heals holes in aura. Increases physical energy as it brings in more Life Force.

CALCITE: Very beneficial for the cleansing organs, bones, joints, and for sharpening mental clarity. Helps boost the memory. Softens the rigid boundaries of the intellectual mind so that true inner knowing can be attained. Recommended for those involved in the healing professions.

PINK CALCITE: Calms, centers, and grounds. Brings love.

ORANGE CALCITE: Protective. Lends energy to the body. Brings joy.

GREEN CALCITE: Helps release old mental patterns and accept the new. Draws prosperity.


SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: Carnelian is the clear red to brownish red member of the Chalcedony family. It is a microcrystalline variety of Quartz (Silicone Dioxide) and may contain small amounts of iron oxides. The hardness is 7, and the streak is white.

ENVIRONMENT: Chalcedony is formed in several environments, generally near the surface of the earth where temperatures and pressures are relatively low. It commonly forms in the zone of alteration of lode and massive hydro-thermal replacement deposits and as bodies of chert in chemical sedimentary rocks.

OCCURRENCE: Fine carnelian comes from India and South America.

GEMSTONE INFORMATION: Carnelian is used as an alternate birthstone for the month of May. It is normally cut into cabochons, engraved, or made into seal stones or rounded, polished, and pierced for necklaces and other items of jewelry.

NAME: The name means “flesh-colored”, from [caro], meaning “genitive” and [carnis], meaning “flesh”.

LEGEND and LORE: Carnelian has long been associated with courage and cleansing of the blood. It was believed that the stone would improve one’s outlook, making the individual cheerful and expelling fears.

MAGICAL PROPERTIES: Katrina Raphaell says that Carnelian can be used to “see into the past”. The “Crystal Oracle” says that Carnelian refers to the Self, and Current Conditions. It is a grounding stone, and associated with the Earth. As such, it is considered practical, sensible and balanced. Cunningham associates the stone with the element of Fire. He suggests it as a talisman against Telepathic invasion.

HEALING: It is recommended for infertility or impotency. In addition it is used for purification of the blood. It has also been suggested that this stone will stop nose bleeding.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: I call this the “sexy” stone…since I believe it stimulates sexual appetites. I use it in the lower Chakras for infertility and impotency for men (I use Coral as the feminine counterpart.) I always get a good chuckle when I notice a man wearing a LARGE Cornelian belt buckle. In addition, I would use this stone for relief of pain from arthritis in men.

7. Personal Experience is from MY personal experience, journals and notebooks, by Tandika Star.

CELESTITE: Enhances thyroid functions. Reduces stress. Relaxing, peace of mind. Accelerates growth. Aids personal creative expression. Helps one adjust to higher, more rarefied states of awareness. Truth, reliability. Clear speech.

By Legion of Light

CHRYSOCOLLA: Aids in preventing ulcers, digestive problems, arthritic conditions. Strengthens lungs and thyroid gland. Enhances metabolism. Excellent for female disorders. Alleviates fears, guilt, tension. Helps clear subconscious imbalances. Activates feminine qualities. Amplifies throat chakra-creative expression, power, communication. Joy, emotional balance.


CHRYSOPRASE: Lifts the emotions – a cheering stone. Banishes greed, envy, selfishness, tension, and stress. Worn for eloquence, success in new undertakings, and to attract friends. Draws out unknown talents. Carry a small piece with you at all times to attract money. Works with emotional, personal insight. Enhances fertility for both sexes and can help guard against sexually transmitted diseases. Helps gout, mental illness, and eye problems.


SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: Cinnabar is Mercury sulfide. The chemistry is HgS. It is bright red, purplish red to brownish red. The streak is scarlet to brownish red. The hardness is between 2 and 2-1/2.

ENVIRONMENT: Cinnabar is formed at low temperature, usually near hot springs or where there has been volcanic activity. It also forms in epithermal veins, associated with opal, chalcedony and dolomite.

OCCURRENCE: Almaden, Ciudad Real, Spain, is a famous locality for cinnabar. In North America important cinnabar deposits occur in California, Nevada, Oregon, and Texas. In California fine crystals of cinnabar have come from the Almaden Mine in Santa Clara Co. and the New Idria Mine in San Benito Co. Beautiful crystals occur in calcite at the Cahill Mine, Humboldt Co., Nevada.

NAME: The name is said to have come from India.


Cinnabar is extremely POISONOUS! Do not use it for healing or magical purposes.




NOTES: Cinnabar is the principal ore of mercury. Native mercury, a liquid, is rare and usually occurs with cinnabar as heavy, tin-white metallic drops.

CITRINE: Opens conscious mind to intuition. For psychic and physical digestion and assimilation. Helps one adjust and adapt to process changes. Helps one feel confident and secure. Strengthens the will. Stimulates communication. Promotes mental clarity. Teaches unlimited prosperity – use, enjoy, and release so more and better things may come to you.

Compiled by Fern Bouchard

Citrine: A variety of quartz. Good for kidneys, colon, liver, gallbladder, digestive organs, heart. Tissue regeneration. Detoxifies physical/emotional/mental bodies. Enhances body’s healing energy. Diminishes self-destructive tendencies. Raises self-esteem. Powerful alignment with Higher Self. Lightheartedness, cheerfulness, hope. Warming, energizing. Attracts abundance.


SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: CaCo3, or calcium carbonate in the form of calcite, is the main constituent of calcareous corals; minor constituents are MgCo3, or magnesium carbonate and proteinaceous organic substances, which act as binding agents. At 2.5 to 4, the hardness is slightly higher than that of calcite. The skeletons of corals vary in color: from bright to dark red, slightly orange-red, pink and white.

ENVIRONMENT: In all cases, coral consists of the branching skeletons of animals which live in colonies planted on the seabed at depths varying from tens to hundreds of meters. They are typical of warmish to very warm seas.

OCCURRENCE: The most famous of these organisms is Corallium rubrum, which lives in the waters of the Mediterranean and, despite its name, provides not only red, but orange, pink, and white coral. Similar to this are Corallium elatius, C. japonicum, and C. secundum, which mainly live off the coasts of Japan, China, Indochina, the Philippines, and other archipelagos of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Coral colonies occupy large areas especially in the Pacific, but also near the coast of South Africa, in the Red Sea, and to the east of Australia. These latter colonies, however, consist of madrepore, which has little in common with the corals used as ornaments.

GEMSTONE INFORMATION: Most of the coral used since antiquity as an ornamental material comes from the calcareous skeletons of colonies of marine organisms of the phylum Cnidaria, order Corgonacea, genus Corallium. Corals take a good polish. They also have a certain degree of elasticity and can be heated and bent into bangles. Thin branches were and still are polished, pierced, and threaded, unaltered, into necklaces. Larger pieces are cut into spherical or faceted necklace beads, pear shapes for pendant jewelry, or cabochons. It is also used for carved pieces and small figurines, in both oriental and western art styles. The most highly prized varieties of coral are those that are a uniform, strong bright red.

NAME: The name is derived from the Latin [corallium,] related to the Greek [korallion].

LEGEND and LORE: The oldest known findings of red coral date from the Mesopotamian civilization, i.e. from about 3000 BC. For centuries, this was the coral par excellence, and at the time of Pliny the Elder it was apparently much appreciated in India, even more than in Europe. Red coral has traditionally been used as a protection from the “evil eye” and as a cure for sterility. One of the Greek names for Coral was Gorgeia, from the tradition that blood dripped from the Head of Medea, which Perseus had deposited on some branches near the sea-shore; which blood, becoming hard, was taken by the Sea Nymphs, and planted in the sea.

MAGICAL PROPERTIES: Coral is associated with Venus, Isis and Water. It has been used as a form of protective magic for children for hundreds of years. Cunningham recommends it as a luck-attractor for living areas. Sailors use it as a protection from bad weather while at sea. Red-orange coral is one of the four element gemstones of the Pueblo Indians. It is one of the four colors used for the directions in the Hopi/Zuni Road of Life. Coral is considered a representative of the warm energy of the Sun, and the southern direction.

HEALING: Coral’s healing properties are mostly associated with Women, young children and the elderly. For women it is said to increase fertility and regulate menstruation. For young children, it is recommended to ease teething and to prevent epilepsy. For the elderly, it is used as a cure for arthritis.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: I use coral at the lower Chakras for “Women’s Healing.” In particular, I will use it for disorders relating to female reproductive organs. I also use it magically, to represent female fertility. I have used it with some success for arthritis, but only for women. This is one of the stones that I “reserve” for female/feminine use. (I use Carnelian as the “male” counterpart.) I have not had an opportunity to try it for a young child.

DIAMOND: Brings fierceness, strength and fortitude. Strengthens friendships and protects from evil, disease and plagues. If set in gold it drives away night monsters… When stolen attracts negative vibrations. Diamonds require cleaning often.

Six sided luckiest square brings balance and harmony triangular disharmony and friction.

DIOPTASE: Strengthens cardiovascular and central nervous systems. Excellent aid for ulcers, nervous stomach, heart troubles, blood pressure. Vitalizes, balances, tones body/mind. Emotional stability. Peach of mind. Excellent for use with healing and affirmations. Abundance, prosperity, progress, health, well-being.


SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: Emerald is a type of Beryl, Beryllium aluminum silicate, frequently with some sodium, lithium and cesium. It’s chemistry is Be3Al2Si6O18. Beryls range in color from Bright green (emerald), blue, greenish blue (aquamarine), yellow (golden beryl), red, pink (morganite) to white. The streak is colorless. It’s hardness is 7-1/2 to 8. The crystals are Hexagonal and they are common. Fine emeralds have velvety body appearance; their value lies in their even distribution of color. Inclusions are common in emerald, but other stones of this group are usually most valuable when free of flaws.

ENVIRONMENT: Beryl develops in pegmatites and certain metamorphic rocks. It occurs with quartz, microcline, and muscovite in pegmatites, and with quartz, muscovite, and almandine in schist of regional metamorphic rocks.

OCCURRENCE: Best emerald comes from Colombia. (NOTE: it is not necessary to spend thousands of dollars for a tiny chip of emerald to add to your healing/ magical collection. If you look around in rock shops, you may be able to come across some “less than perfect” stones that aren’t faceted.

NAME: The name is from the Greek [beryllos] indicating any green gemstone.

LEGEND and LORE: Emerald is considered a birthstone for the month of May.

“Who first beholds the light of day,
In spring’s sweet flowery month of May,
And wears an Emerald all her life,
Shall be a loved, and happy wife.”

MAGICAL PROPERTIES: “If you wish to bring a love into your life, buy an emerald and charge it with your magical need through your visualization, perhaps while placing it near a green candle. After this ritual, wear or carry the emerald somewhere near your heart. Do this in such a way that it cannot be seen by others. When you meet a future love, you’ll know it wasn’t the visible jewel that attracted him or her.” (3) The Greeks associated this stone with the Goddess Venus. It has come to represent, for many people, the security of love. Emerald, like almost all of the green stones, is also advantageous for business/money ventures.

HEALING: Emerald is said to aid perception and inner clarity. Because of this, they are also associated with healing diseases of the eye, and problems affecting eyesight. It was believed that emeralds could counteract poisons and cure disentary.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: I sometimes use Emeralds in a stone layout. I will use them for their psychological/spiritual values of clarity and perception. If I am using them for this purpose, I use them in the area of the Heart Chakra, in conjunction with Rose Quartz, or Rhodochrosite for balanced energy. I’ve also used them for prosperity consciousness.


FLUORITE: It is here to teach us to be inter-dimensional. Used to advance the mind from one mental reality to the next. Aids in fighting mental disorder and gaining spiritual awakening. Balances positive and negative aspects of the mind. Cleaner, grounds excess energies and helps one work with large amounts of energy. Very focusing. Aids in increasing the assimilation of Life Force into the body. Source of fluoride, strengthens bone and dental tissue.

Compiled by Fern Bouchard

FLUORITE: Strengthens teeth and bones. Improves absorption of vital nutrients. Beneficial for blood vessles and spleen. Grounds excess energy. Excellent for advancement of mind, greater concentration, meditation. Helps one grasp higher, more abstract concepts. Facilitates interdimensional communication. Powerful healer. Works with chakras and attitudes according to color of stone.


GARNET: Strong help to balance your energy system, stimulate your desires and uplift your attitude. Draws happiness, power, possessions, and peace. Aids in patience, persistence, sexuality, and purification. Sharpens self-perception. Increases creative energy and sexual appetite. Enhances bodily strength, endurance, and vigor. Protection against thieves. Helps to align the emotional body to the spiritual body. Sleeping with it will help you remember your dreams.

Firstly as it is the color of menstrual blood, it is a stone of fertility. As a gift it is a symbol of happiness and loyalty. It is thought to be a antidote to plague and fever. Women were known to wear it around their waist to help with the menstrual cycle. If it obtained unlawfully it will bear a curse upon its wearer until it is returned to its lawful owner.

Goddess: Persephone

Garnet (Red): Strengthens, purifies, vitalizes and regenerates bodily systems, especially the bloodstream. Has strong affinity with root chakra, helping to harmonize the potent forces of the kundalini. Stimulates pituitary gland. Aligns subtle bodies. Love, compassion. Enhances imagination. (1,4) By Legion of Light

SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: Beryl is Beryllium aluminum silicate, frequently with some sodium, lithium and cesium. The chemistry is Be3Al2Si60qi. The hardness is between 7-1/2 and 8 and the streak is white. Although what we’re talking about here is the beautiful Golden Beryl, remember that Emerald and Aquamarine are also Beryls. Golden Beryl ranges in color from almost canary to gold, in the best examples. Other stones are a dull yellow, sometimes with a hint of green.

ENVIRONMENT: Beryl develops in pegmatites and certain metamorphic rocks. It occurs with quartz, microcline, and muscovite in pegmatites, and with quartz, muscovite, and almandine in schist of regional metamorphic rocks.

OCCURRENCE: Beryl has been mined commercially from pegmatites in the New England states. In addition fine specimens have come from California and North Carolina. Gem quality Golden Beryl is mined in Brazil, Virginia and Madagascar.

GEMSTONE INFORMATION: These stones are usually given a mixed, oval, or sometimes round cut. Gems even 10 or more carats in weight are not uncommon. Inclusions in the form of roughly parallel bundles of narrow tubules may be clearly visible with a lens and can reduce the stone’s transparency and luster.

NAME: The name is from the Greek [beryllos], indicating any green gemstone. (The majority of Beryl mined is some shade of green.)

LEGEND and LORE: In the past, Golden Beryl has been cut into spheres for scrying and was considered superior to Clear Quartz. This stone has often been confused with Topaz and used for the same types of things.

MAGICAL PROPERTIES: This stone is said to protect the wearer from being manipulated (telepathically). Almost all colors of Beryl, including the Golden are said to increase psychic awareness. With its beautiful Golden Color it would be associated with the Sun.

HEALING: This stone is recommended for ailments of the liver, stomach, glands and eyes. It is said to energize the body in a general way and to boost the immune system. Golden Beryl is a good stone to use for exhaustion or depression, nausea, diarrhea, ulcers, constipation and obesity.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: I do not have this stone in my collection. (But it is on my “list” for the future!) NOTES: Golden Beryl can sometimes look very similar to yellow Chrysoberyl, from which it is distinguished only by its physical characteristics. The Yellow-green variety of Beryl is called Heliodor.

SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: Hematite is a steel-grey, red, reddish brown, or black iron oxide. The chemistry is Fe203. One of the most unique things about this mineral is its streak, which is normally blood red, but sometimes cherry or brownish. The hardness is from 5 to 6.

ENVIRONMENT: The former huge bodies of iron ore, composed largely of hematite, worked in the Lake Superior region are of sedimentary origin. Hematite has formed also in igneous and metamorphic rocks. It occurs with biotite, albite, and barite in carbonatites; with diopside and epidote in hornfels of contact and regional metamorphic rocks; with quartz and siderite in mesothermal and epithermal veins; and with fluorite, barite, and calcite in lode and disseminated replacement deposits.

OCCURRENCE: Hematite has been reported from many localities in North America. It occurs as dark reddish-brown reniform masses in the iron mines of Michigan and Minnesota, and on Aztec Peak, Gila Co., Arizona. Sharp, brilliant black hematite crystals occur with quartz near Bouse, Yuma Co., Arizona.

NAME: The name “hematite” is from the Greek [haimatites,] meaning “bloodlike,” which is in reference to the vivid red color of the powdered mineral.

LEGEND and LORE: Hematite was used by Galen for inflamed eyelids and headaches, and by Pliny for blood disorders. Egyptians valued it as a cure for hysteria. Azchalias asserted that Hematite, when used as a talisman, procured for the wearer a favorable hearing of petitions addressed to kings and a fortunate issue of lawsuits and judgements.

MAGICAL PROPERTIES: Hematite has long been associated with psychic awareness. In addition, some people believe that it assists in astral travel. “A scrying: In a darkened room, light a red candle. Settle before it and hold a large piece of hematite so that the candle’s flame is reflected on it. Gaze at the reflection and visualize a question. The answer will come to you.” (Cunningham)

HEALING: Hematite is a principal blood purifier among stone healers. It can be placed anywhere on the body for this purpose, or worn as a ring, pendant or necklace for continuous healing. It is also considered a grounding stone, which makes it useful for those people who have difficulty concentrating on the “here-and-now”. Shamans historically have believed that Hematite, placed over the location of an illness, will draw the “spirit” of the illness out of the patient and into itself.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: I use Hematite as a blood purifier, placing it over the spleen, liver or kidneys as needed. I also use it often as a grounding stone, placing it near or on the feet before working on the higher Chakras. One interesting thing that I’ve noted on many occasions: Those interested in financial matters (usually those who want more money, but don’t want to work very hard for it!) seem to be drawn to Hematite. Also those individuals with a high number of “eights” in their numerological charts seem to be drawn to this mineral.

NOTES: Hematite is the principal ore of iron.

HEMATITE: Iron based. Used for grounding and stabilizing purposes – to focus on the physical plane. Has a great deal of magnetism. It will draw in the energy of the universe. powerful in drawing illness from the body. Good for kidneys. Lowers high blood pressure. It brings a greater attunement. Eliminates spaciness and strengthens the intuition. Promotes common sense.

Hematite: Has positive effect upon bloodstream. Activates spleen, increases resistance to stress. Helps circulate oxygen throughout body. Strengthens physical and etheric bodies. Energizing, vitalizing. Enhances personal magnetism, optimism, will, courage. Slightly grounding. Powerful stone for those attracted to it.


SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: Tremolite is a calcium, magnesium and iron silicate. When the iron content is high, it is called actinolite. The chemistry is Ca2(mg,Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2. The streak is colorless, although the mineral itself can range in color from white to dark grey, yellowish, pink to lilac. We commonly tend to think of “jade” as green, but as you can see, it is actually available in many colors. The hardness is between 5 and 6.

ENVIRONMENT: Tremolite is a product of metamorphism and occurs with calcite and grossular in hornfels of contact metamorphic rocks and with talc in serpentinites of hydrothermal metamorphic rocks.

OCCURRENCE: There are many localities where fine tremolite specimens may be obtained. Crystals of up to 3″ in length occur in marble at Haliburton and Wilberforce, Haliburton Co., Ontario and granular masses of pink tremolite (hexagonite) at De Kalb, St. Lawerence Co., New York. White and greenish crystals occur in calcite at Canaan, Litchfield Co., Connecticut.

GEMSTONE DATA: The Amphibole mineral nephrite, which consists of combined tremolite and actinolite, is dense, compact, tough. Semitransparent to translucent varieties of nephrite are called [jade.] Nephrite jade colors are white, all shades of green, gray, grayish (with tinge of blue, red, or green), brown, and lavender. Value increases with transparency, intensity and evenness of color, and freedom from flaws. Jade is fashioned into beads, earrings, and cabochons for rings and brooches, or carved into ornamental or religious objects. Nephrite jade comes from Alaska, British Columbia, Wyoming, China and Siberia.

NAME: Tremolite is from the occurrence in Val Tremolo in the Swiss Alps. The word ‘jade’ is derived from the Spanish [pietra d’ijada] which means ‘colic stone’. In China, where jade has been venerated for thousands of years, over a hundred different names are in use for different color varieties.

LEGEND and LORE: Jade ornaments and implements of great antiquity have been discovered both in those parts of the world in which the mineral is found and in places far distant from these. It is the ‘greenstone’ so highly esteemed by the Maoris of New Zealand who carved it into pendants, sometimes representing their hero Tiki, and into chieftains’ war clubs. It has been carved in Central America for well over a thousand years and the ancient Mayas prized it above gold. In ancient China a prospective bride would present her betrothed a jade butterfly to seal their engagement. Likewise the bridegroom would give his sweetheart a gift of jade before their wedding.

MAGICAL PROPERTIES: Jade is considered one of the most important symbols of purity and serenity. It is also revered as an ancient symbol of love. The Maoris regard Jade as a stone that brings luck, especially specimens that are dark olive-green in color. The ancient Chinese felt that Jade helps to inspire the mind to make quick and precise decisions. The ancient trader would often hold this gem in the palm of his right hand while he engaged in business transactions. Carved into a scarab, Jade is said to bring its owner a long and prosperous life. It is also said that wearing Jade while gardening will improve the health of the plants. Similarly, small pieces of Jade can be buried along the perimeter for this purpose. It is worn for protection during defensive magical workings.

HEALING: Jade has been called “colic stone”, “spleen stone” and “stone of the loins”. It is said that by tying jade to the arm, stones in the kidneys can be expelled. The ancient Greeks used this mineral for healing ailments of the eyes. Wearing Jade helps the body to heal itself while working on the underlying, nonphysical problems which cause the disease in the first place.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: I use Jade as a Heart Chakra stone, for those that feel threatened or frightened. I’ve also used it to control swelling of various glands in the face and neck, by placing it directly over the gland. Before I had a piece of Malachite, I used it on my broken arm. It seemed to help the break heal. It was NOT successful on the damage done to the nerves and tendons in my wrist, however. The Malachite worked better.

Jade wards off infantile disease if placed around the neck and not removed. It is placed in the mouth of a corpse to protect the soul. Necromancers used it to raise the soul. Jade bracelets are worn to promote a long life and as a charm to prevent eye infection. It is considered to be the concentrated essence of love. It makes a good healing talisman for the kidneys, urinary and digestive problems.

To Ritualists, it embodies the five cardinal virtues of the pentacle.

– Spirit Justice – Earth Charity – Water Courage – Fire Modesty – Air Wisdom –

It also makes a good gambling talisman, especially for racing.

JADE: Strengthens heart, kidneys, immune system. Helps cleanse blood. Increases longevity and fertility. Aids eye disorders and female problems. Powerful emotional balancer. Radiates divine, unconditional love. Clarity, modesty, courage, justice, wisdom. Peaceful and nurturing. Dispels negativity. Healing affinity will correspond to particular color of stone.


SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: Brown Jasper, sometimes called “picture” Jasper because of the beautiful variations in coloring, is a type of Chalcedony. It is closely related to Quartz, with the chemistry of SiO2. The color variations are from trace amounts of other minerals, usually iron and aluminum. The hardness is 7.

ENVIRONMENT: Chalcedony is formed in several environments, generally near the surface of the earth where temperatures and pressures are relatively low. It commonly forms in the zone of alteration of lode and massive hydrothermal replacement deposits and as bodies of chert in chemical sedimentary rocks.

OCCURRENCE: Montana, Utah and Wyoming are prolific locations for Brown Jasper in the U.S. In addition, fine specimens have come from Brazil, Uruguay and Egypt. Other colors and forms of Jasper are abundant in California, Texas and Arkansas.

NAME: The name Chalcedony is from Chalcedon, an ancient Greek city of Asia Minor.

LEGEND and LORE: Beautiful Jasper, with light and dark brown markings was referred to as “Egyptian Marble”. Various Native American tribes used Jasper as a rubbing stone and some called it “the rain bringer”.

MAGICAL PROPERTIES: Brown Jasper is balancing and grounding. This stone, carved into an arrowhead, is worn to attract luck. It is a good stone to use after completing a ritual to help you regain your center and become grounded.

HEALING: Jasper is stabilizing. It will help to reduce insecurity, fear and guilt.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: I use a piece of Montana Picture Jasper, which is mostly brown and tan with a slight bit of sky and navy blue as a strong grounding stone for those who have an excess of energy at the Splenic Chakra. I’ve also used the stone as a basis for a “journey”…The stone looks like a scene of the Rocky Mountains. Finally, I’ve used Picture Jasper as a psychological tool: I will ask someone who is “looking for an answer” to gaze into the stone and describe all the symbols they see. Then I work with the client to form the “symbols” into some sort of answer.

NOTES: Agate, Jasper, Flint, Sardonyx, and onyx are all forms of Chalcedony. In addition, particular colors of Chalcedony have specific names, such as Heliotrope, Bloodstone, Chrysophrase and Moss Agate.

JASPER: Grounding – gives connection to the earth. A stabilizing stone – it reduces your insecurities, fears, and guilt. Decrystalizes illusions. Used for cancer and other wasting dis-eases. Purifies the blood – helps the anemic. Vitalizes brain tissue, stimulates hormone balance. Excellent stone for healers as it enhances and balances the auric field.

LEOPARD SKIN JASPER: It will enhance your total vibration. Stabilizes the heart and solar plexus areas. Helps stabilize your frustrations. It brings serenity (grey), protection (black), love (pink), mental clarity (yellow), vitality (red), and healing (green).

Jasper: A variety of chalcedony. Strengthens liver, gallbladder, bladder. Powerful healer; main impact on physical body. Represents earth element. Works with chakras according to color of stone.


These are one person stones!

They ward off evil, especially magickal evil and lift fear and depression. They are a link between the physical and the spiritual and are used to balance the emotions. They protect from possession.

They were once used to repel plague, fever and negativity.

They tend to filter out germs and aid, headaches, toothache, stomach diseases, goiter, dropsy, hysteria and hallucinations caused by fever. They are used in women’s complaints. Jet helps during labour and, when powdered and mixed with bees wax, are applied to tumors.

They offer protection from thunderstorms…


SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: Kunzite is a pink to purple variety of Spodumene. It is lithium aluminum silicate from the pyroxene group. It’s chemistry is LiAlSi2O6. The hardness is rated at 6-1/2 to 7. The streak is white.

ENVIRONMENT: Kunzite is found only in granite pegmatities, where it generally occurs with tourmaline, albite, and lepidolite.

OCCURRENCE: The Pala district in San Diego Co., California, produces gem-quality kunzite. It has also been found in Maine, Brazil and Madagascar.

NAME: Kunzite is named after George F. Kunz, PhD. Dr. Kunz, a well known mineralogist, is the author of “The Curious Lore of Precious Stones”.

LEGEND and LORE: Kunzite is a relatively new stone and not mentioned in ancient texts.

MAGICAL PROPERTIES: This mineral is relatively unexplored for magical uses. Cunningham suggests that it is a centering/grounding stone and may also be useful for attracting love.

HEALING: The position for this stone is the Crown Chakra. Because of it’s high lithium content, it is recommended for psychological disorders involving severe/manic depression.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: My first exposure to Kunzite came about in one of those “it can’t be coincidence” ways. I was preparing a medicine bag for a friend of a friend who is a diagnosed manic depressive. I had NO idea what would be a good stone to use for her, and had been concerned since nothing was “jumping out of the collection” to be “hers”. I went shopping, and in the mall was a man selling stone/crystal jewelry. He had a dish of rough and semitumbled stones on the table. I walked right over and picked up a lovely purple-pink stone, and stood there talking to him about his display. Kind of suddenly, I blurted out “I want to buy THIS stone…How much?” He asked me what I wanted it for, and I actually TOLD him. I also said, I don’t know what this is, but I know it is the right thing to use. He laughed, and explained to me what it was and GAVE it to me to use. As it turned out, the piece was granular, and I found a gem-quality piece to use in the medicine bag. I now use the granular piece all the time for treating sever depression and other related psychological disorders.

NOTES: Kunzite will gradually fade with exposure to sunlight.

KUNZITE: Very high spiritual love vibration. Heart opener – it awakens the highest heart consciousness. It will connect one to their own infinite source of love. Aligns the crown and heart chakras. Symbolizes a pure expression of joy in thoughts and feelings. A good stone to be worn by star children or walk-ins to help them adjust to earth plane environments and energy.

KUNZITE (Pink Spodumene): high lithium content makes Kunzite beneficial to individuals with addicitve behavior. Strengthens cardiovascular system. Aids manic depression. Excellent balancer for physical/emotional/mental bodies. Powerful stone for opening/healing heart. Helps one surrender to Higher Self. Enhances self-esteem. Tolerance, acceptance. Soothing, calming. (4) By Legion of Light

KYANITE: Strengthens throat chakra. Enhances creative expression, communication, truth, loyalty, reliability, serenity. Connection to causal plane. Facilitates astral/interdimensional travel. (4)


SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: Labradorite is from the plagioclase feldspar group, a mixture of sodium and calcium aluminum silicates. It is gray, green, bluish, and sometimes a play of various colors; vitreous; frequently pearly on cleavage. Chemical composition: (Na,Ca)AlSi3O8. The streak is white. It’s hardness is 6. Labradorite is one of the lime-soda feldspars, along with bytownite and anorthite. Crystals are uncommon, but when found in fine grade, they are pale yellow.

ENVIRONMENT: The plagioclase feldspars are important rock-forming minerals and are found in many kinds of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Labradorite occurs with hornblende and augite in gabbro of plutonic rocks; also with hornblende in basalt of volcanic rocks.

OCCURRENCE: Fine Labradorite showing beautiful colors comes from East Labrador. In addition, it has been found in the Adirondack Mountains of New York, in Essex and Lewis counties. Some has been found in Findland and a fine grade in Madagascar. Pale yellow crystals have been found in Utah, California, Oregon and Texas.

GEMSTONE INFORMATION: Only the finest Labradorite, showing distinct change of color (labrador-escence), is considered a gemstone. Greenish, bluish, yellowish, or reddish change of color may occur; blues and greens are most common, and the color change may be only in patches. There are some fine-grade, pale yellow crystals that can be faceted. However, most crystals found are “damaged” or flawed with cracks, rendering them uncuttable.

NAME: Labradorite is named after the location in which it was first discovered, Labrador.

LEGEND and LORE: I did not find any reference to this stone in any of my sources.

MAGICAL PROPERTIES: This stone is not mentioned in Cunningham or Mella, or Fernie.

HEALING: “Gem healers claim it elevates the wearer’s consciousness and connection with the energies of the universe.” (8)

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: I have two small pieces of Labradorite. I use them at the Third-Eye Chakra because of their blue/bluish “sheen”. I can’t say that the results have been notable, since I’ve used them in conjunction with other stones. Sometimes, if I am going to participate in a “meditation circle” where I know I will be doing “readings”, I will stick the larger piece in my pocket.

NOTES: This stone is sometimes called “Spectrolite”, in the non-crystalized form. (8) Labradorite is sometimes carved into ashtrays and various decorative objects. A translucent labradorite forms luscious black moonstones. (2)


SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: Lazurite is a silicate of sodium calcium and aluminum, with some sulfur. It is a member of the sodalite group. It’s chemistry is (Na,Ca)8(Al,Si)12O24(S,SO)4. The color ranges in shades of blue from violet blue and azure blue thru greenish-blue. Lazurite is distinguished from sodalite by its deeper color and fine grain. It is also softer and lighter in weight than lazulite. It is dull to greasy and the streak is pale blue. The hardness ranges between 5 and 5-1/2.

ENVIRONMENT: Crystals are rare. It is usually granular, compact, massive. It forms in association with pyrite, calcite, and diopside in hornfels of contact metamorphic rocks. The opaque, vivid blue, light blue, greenish-blue, or violet-blue stone, consisting largely of lazurite but with appreciable amounts of calcite, diopside, and pyrite, is a rock called [lapis lazuli.] The stone is usually veined or spotted. Its value depends largely upon excellence and uniformity of color and absence of pyrite, although some purchasers prefer lapis with pyrite.

OCCURRENCE: Lazurite is a rare mineral in North America, but it does occur on Italian Mt. in the Sawatch Mts. of Colorado; on Ontario Peak in the San Gabriel Mts., Los Angeles Co., and in Cascade Canyon in the San Bernardino Mts., San Bernardino Co., California. The finest lapis lazuli has come from Badakshan in Afghanistan, and less valuable material has come from Russia and Chile.

NAME: The name is from the Arabic [lazaward], “heaven,” which was also applied to sky-blue lapis lazuli.

LEGEND and LORE: Lapis Lazuli was a favorite stone of the ancient Egyptians. In the past Lazurite has been burned and ground to form the pigment “ultramarine.” It was consider an aid to childbirth, and has long been associated with altered states of consciousness and trance work. Lapis is sometimes designated as a birthstone for December, although turquoise is most common.

MAGICAL PROPERTIES: To quote Cunningham: “This stone is used in rituals designed to attract spiritual love. Take an untumbled piece of lapis with a sharp edge. Empower the stone and a pink candle with your need for love. Then, using the lapis lazuli, carve a heart onto the candle. Place the stone near the candleholder and burn the candle while visualizing a love coming into your life.” Actually, the most important magical aspect of lapis is it’s ability to strengthen psychic awareness. Cunningham says “Despite its somewhat high price, lapis lazuli is one stone every stone magician should own and utilize.”(2)

HEALING: This stone is used at the Ajina, the Brow Chakra. It’s related gland is the pituitary. The pituitary gland is also referred to as the “master gland” because it regulates all of the others. This location is also the center for the eyes, ears, nose and brain.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: I don’t often use Lapis for physical healing, unless I feel that there is a “link” between what is manifested as disease, and some conflict of the “higher self”. I have used it for brain disorders (tumors, inflammation, etc.) More often, I use it in layouts where the client is trying to achieve an altered state of consciousness.

LAPIS LAZULI: Used by ancient healers as an energy stone to strengthen the mind and prepare the body for spiritual awareness. Stimulates inner vision and enhances wisdom, insight, and good judgement in the practical world. Powerful thought amplifier. Opens the chakras, strengthens and balances, and induces psychic experience. It attracts spiritual love, cheers all moods and ills, and is useful in incest recovery. Helps us become more in touch with our essence and play a more active role in the control of our existence. Stimulates creativity, speech, and sincerity.

Not to be confused the Ruby in Celtic Mythology or with the Sapphire.

In Egypt, this is the stone for Royalty only. It gave wisdom and psychic experiences and guided the soul into the afterlife. It is thought to represent truth. It strengthens the mind and body through spiritual awareness. It is the stone of truth and also the stone of mystery.

It will aid in meditation and psychic development, it lifts depression and melancholy and brings success in love.

The color is inherently soothing.

It has been used for skin diseases and circulatory problems and against recurrent fevers.

Lapis Lazuli: Strengthens skeletal system. Activates thyroid gland. Releases tension and anxiety. Energizes throat chakra. Augments strength, vitality, virility. Facilitates opening of chakras. Mental clarity, illumination. Enhances psychic abilities and communication with Higher Self and Spirit Guides. Creative expression. (5,6)
By Legion of Light

SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: Lepidolite a potassium, lithium, aluminum fluorsilicate mica. Its chemistry is complex: K(Li,Al)3(Si,Al)4O10(F,OH)2. It is pink, lilac, yellowish, grayish white or a combination of all of these. The streak is colorless. It is one of the softer stones, with a hardness of 2-1/2 to 3.

ENVIRONMENT: Lepidolite is confined to granite pegmatites, where it occurs either as fine-granular masses near the core of the pegmatite or as stubby or tabular crystals in cavities. It is commonly associated with microcline, quartz, and tourmaline.

OCCURRENCE: Large fine masses of lepidolite have been mined at the Stewart Pegmatite at Pala, and superb sharp crystals have been obtained from the Little Three Pegmatite near Ramona, both in San Diego Co., California. It has also been mined in substantial amounts in several New England states and in the Black Hills of South Dakota.

NAME: The name comes from the Greek [lepidos], meaning ‘scale’, in allusion to the scaly aggregates in which the mineral commonly occurs.

LEGEND and LORE: Lepidolite is a stone that could certainly be considered “new age” in the sense that it is just now coming into recognition by healers and magicians. There is no “past lore” on this stone, to the best of my knowledge. Part of this may be due to the fact, that it is native to the United States.

MAGICAL PROPERTIES: “This stone soothes anger, hatred or any other negative emotion. To quiet the entire house, place lepidolite stones in a circle around a pink candle.” (2)

HEALING: Lepidolite is also know as the “Dream Stone”. It will protect the individual from nightmares, especially those caused by stress or an upset in personal relationships. It can be used in the same types of circumstances as Kunzite, namely for manic depression or schizophrenia.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: This is one of the most soothing and relaxing stones I’ve ever held. It is a beauty to look at, and calms the mind enabling it to concentrate on the TRUE source of a problem…instead of running around in frantic circles accomplishing nothing. The more rubellite in the stone, the better it will help the heart and mind work together.

NOTES: Lepidolite has been used as a source of lithium. The above description of the appearance of this stone may be deceiving, as I found Cunningham’s to be, also. All of the specimens of this stone that I have seen so far have been grey to a pale lavender grey with “sparkles” of the lithium mica embedded in it. The heart-shaped cabochon that I have also has very distinctive crystals of rubellite (pink tourmaline) and veins of white running through it. I was originally looking for a MUCH brighter lavender stone. It is unusual, also, to find specimens that are cut and polished. Usually the stone is too “crumbly” to take a good polish. However, it is equally handsome in rough form.

LEPIDOLITE: Aids muscles, strengthens heart, beneficially influences blood. High lithium content aids emotional/mental balance and stability. Aids sleep. Enhances expression of one’s inner light and joy.

SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: Malachite is a basic copper carbonate. It’s chemistry is Cu2CO3(OH)2. It ranges in color from emerald green thru grass green to shades of silky pale green. The streak is light green. It’s hardness is 3-1/2 to 4. Crystals are rare. Most gem specimens display distinctive concentric colorbanding; (alternating dark green and light green bands.)

ENVIRONMENT: Malachite is a secondary copper mineral and develops in the zone of alteration in massive, lode, and disseminated hydrothermal replacement deposits. Associated minerals are azurite, limonite, and chalcopyrite.

OCCURRENCE: The copper mines at Bisbee, Chochise Co., Arizona, are famous for their fine specimens of massive malachite and pseudomorphs of malachite after azurite. Mines at Morenci in Greenlee Co., and at Globe in Gila Co., Arizona, have yielded beautiful malachite specimens, of which some consist of alternating layers of green malachite and blue azurite. Fine malachite has also come from copper mines in California, Nevada, Utah, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee.

NAME: The name is from the Greek [moloche], “mallow,” an illusion to the mineral’s leaf-green color. Malachite is used as an ore of copper and as a gemstone.

LEGEND and LORE: It is said that if malachite is worn, it will break into pieces to warn the wearer of danger.

MAGICAL PROPERTIES: Used to direct power towards magical goals. Protective, especially towards children. According to Cunningham, “Small pieces of malachite placed in each corner of a business building or a small piece placed in the cash register draws customers. Worn during business meetings or trade shows, it increases your ability to obtain good deals and sales. It is the salesperson’s stone.” (2)

HEALING: If the malachite is of the blue-green variety, it can be associated with the Sacral Center, or Splenic Chakra (Svadisthana). Here, it’s energy branches to the left, to the spleen. (It is intended in this position for those who are celibate.) In addition, if it is grass-green, it can be used at the Lumbar/Solar Plexus Center. “When the malachite is placed at the solar plexus and a piece of green jade is placed at the heart center and a double-terminated quartz crystal is placed between them, people may remember events that have been blocked for years. They may cry or scream. As these buried emotions are brought to the surface and released, a great weight is lifted and they soon feel renewed.” (3)

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: I am very careful about using Malachite. It has been my experience that the emotions that it releases can be very powerful, to the point of overwhelming some people. On the other hand, if the individual is ready to deal with them (in a “growth” period) it may work out just fine. You could “balance” the emotional content with a pink stone (such as rose quartz) to cut down some on the intensity.

A few years ago, I broke my arm. To do so, I damaged the muscles and nerves in my wrist. I was in a lot of pain, and was searching for what I could do to help the situation. During a journey, I saw malachite, so I found a malachite heart which I held in the palm of the broken arm while meditating. I got a lot of relief from it. Now, if the wrist acts up, I use the heart, taped over the wrist area when I go to bed at night. It seems to help quite a bit. I now recommend malachite for nerve/muscle damage with some success. (4)

MALACHITE: Acts as a purger and a mirror to the subconscious, reflecting into the conscious mind that which needs to be cleansed. It absorbs energy, so it is good to place over diseased or painful areas to draw out negative energy. It is important to cleanse these stones after every use but saltwater is too harsh. Serves best over the solar plexus to clear static or repressed emotions (use adventurine to soothe). Purifies the digestive system, balances blood sugar and bile levels. Salesperson’s stone. A small piece in the cash register draws customers.

MALACHITE: Aids functions of pancreas and spleen. Reduces stress and tension. Aids tissue regeneration. Strengthens heart, circulatory system, pineal and pituitary glands. Aids sleep. Vitalizing for body/mind. Reveals subconscious blocks. Excellent balancer on all levels. (4,3)

METEORITE: Helps reveal past lives from other planets and galaxies. Enhances connection with extraterrestrial energies. Expands awareness. Similar to obsidian, but denser. (1)


MOLDAVITE: A deep green silica-based tektite (meteorite) that fell to Earth about 15 million years ago. Aids alignment with Higher Self. Balancing and healing for physical body/mind. Aids in channeling extraterrestrial and inter-dimensional sources. (4,6)


SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: Moonstone is one variation of Orthoclase. It owes its beautiful silvery to bluish sheen (‘adularescence’ or ‘schiller’) to its composition of extremely thin plates of orthoclase and albite. The thinner these plates are, the bluer is the sheen. There are also moonstones consisting mainly of albite. These are less translucent, but they can occur in a variety of colors: grey, blue, green, brown, yellow and white. There are also moonstone cat’s-eyes. The chemical composition is KAlSi3O8 and the hardness is 7. The streak is white.

ENVIRONMENT: The potash feldspars are important rock-forming minerals in plutonic, volcanic, and metamorphic rocks. Adularia and sanidine are found usually in volcanic rocks.

OCCURRENCE: The main countries of origin are Ceylon, southern India (the district near Kangayam), Tanzia and Malagasy which, together with Burma, produces some of the finest stones with a deep blue schiller. White adularia crystals up to 2.5 cm (1″) across have been found in gold-bearing quartz veins at Bodie, Mono Co., California, and in the silver mines of the Silver City district, Owhyee Co., Idaho.

GEMSTONE INFORMATION: Moonstone is always cut into cabochons, to display the cat’s-eye, or schiller.

NAME: Adularia (another name for Moonstone) comes from the locality in Switzerland, the Adula Mts.

LEGEND and LORE: This stone has always been revered because of its lunar attraction. It was believed that the shiller in the stone would follow the cycles of the moon. (Becoming greatest when the moon was full.) In addition, it has always been considered a “feminine, or Goddess” stone.

MAGICAL PROPERTIES: Meditation with moonstone calls into consciousness the three-form moon phase goddesses, Diana/Selene/Hecate, the waxing, Full and waning Moon. These are woman as goddess in her ages and contradictions, Maiden/ Mother/Crone. Cunningham favors this stone for spells involving love. In addition he has a longish essay on using it for a “diet” stone.

HEALING: Because of it’s feminine nature, Moonstone has long been considered a “women’s healing stone”. It is used traditionally for healing/balancing of female organs and hormones.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: I use Moonstone at the Transpersonal Point, for connection to the Goddess and Universal Feminine Energy. This is the connection to dreams and dreaming, feminine “intuition”, and “cycles”. There are cycles of time, seasons, the moon, stars, etc. I also use/give this stone for those clients who are having difficulty being in tune with the feminine side of their nature. (Everyone has a masculine and a feminine side.)

NOTES: In the past, this stone has also been called “Cylon Opal”.

MOONSTONE: Bestows the gift of prophecy and second sight. Heightens psychic sensitivity and trance states. A psychic mirror (feminine) for the emotions. Brings happy love experiences. Accentuates the receptive (feminine) qualities of the personality. Renews or maintains a youthful appearance and attitude. Helps you lose weight – rub over problem areas. Helps balance women’s cycles and is of considerable aid during the birthing process.

A stone of good fortune and a gift between lovers to insure enduring love as opposed to passionate but short term love.

It is not a stone for everyone as it will indicate mood and personality by changing color and transparency to reflect the feelings of the wearer. It also changes to suit the phase of the moon ,i.e. waxing grows brighter, full color, waning grows darker.

They aid in the accuracy of scrying and divination especially if held by the client.

It reunites lovers and loved ones who have parted in anger, protects those who travel on water, and clears the mind of confusion and aids in clear, concise decision making.

Compiled by Lady Hathor – The Silver Circle – Toronto, Ont.

MOONSTONE: Has healing affinity with stomach, spleen, pancreas, pituitary gland. Unlocks lymphatic system. Relieves anxiety and stress. Aids birthing process, helps female problems. Emotional balancer; helps lessen tendency to over-react emotionally. Flexibility in attitudes. Aligns emotions with higher self. (4)

By Legion of Light

SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: Obsidian occurs as volcanic lava flows that are thick and of limited area. Its black, glassy, lustrous, and often flow-banded appearance makes it rather easy to distinguish from the other volcanic rocks with which it is commonly associated. This mineral forms when a silica-rich magma of granitic composition flows onto the earth’s surface, where it solidifies before minerals can develop and crystallize. It is, therefore, an amorphous solid or glass rather than an aggregate of minerals. The hardness of Obsidian is between 6 and 7; it will scratch window glass. Although generally black, it is more or less smoky along translucent to transparent edges; other colors are gray, reddish brown, mahogany and dark green. When it has small white “flower” designs in it, it is called Snowflake Obsidian. It is also possible to find pieces with a sheen, or chatoyance. This is often called Rainbow Obsidian.

ENVIRONMENT: Obsidian is an environment for very few minerals. Lithophysae and spherulites may contain small but beautiful crystals of feldspar, tridymite, and cristobalite.

OCCURRENCE: Some locations of Obsidian bodies are California (Inyo, Imperial, and Modoc Cos.), Oregon (Crater Lake), Wyoming (Yellowstone Park), and Mexico (near Pachuca.)

NAME: The name is derived from the Latin name for the mineral, [obsio.]

LEGEND and LORE: Polished pieces of black Obsidian have been used for Scrying. Primitive peoples once valued obsidian highly, chipping and flaking it into knives, spearheads, and many other implements with razor-sharp edges resulting from the intersecting conchoidal fractures.

MAGICAL PROPERTIES: Obsidian is a very protective stone. It is also associated with the inner mysteries of the Goddess, symbolizing entrance to the labyrinth, the womb or the subconscious self.

HEALING: Because of its protective qualities, Obsidian is a good stone for those who are soft-hearted and gentle. It will help to guard them against abuse. This stone cleanses toxins from the liver, so it is also good for people who are exposed to environmental pollutants.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: This is the “balance” stone for Clear Quartz Crystals. We jokingly refer to it around here as a “dark sucker”…meaning it will absorb all sorts of negative things. It is also a grounding stone, and I use it at the Base Chakra (below the feet) at the beginning of a layout to keep my client “grounded”. In India, the women wear obsidian toe rings for the same purpose. I use Black Obsidian in conjunction with Quartz. If I’m not using Clear Quartz, I use Snowflake Obsidian. I also have a piece of Rainbow Obsidian, but it is relatively new and I haven’t finished “conversing” with it, so I have no advice as to how to use it…at the moment.

OBSIDIAN: Protective stone: helps prevent emotional draining by others and prevents the soft-hearted from being misused. A psychic mirror (masculine) for hidden emotions. Help you accept higher vibrations. Involved with survival bringing body and spirit together. Grounding.

SNOWFLAKE OBSIDIAN: Sharpens the external and internal vision. Shows the contrast of life: black – symbolizes mastery over the physical plane, white – symbolizes the purity inherent in all of us. It will help you clear out all the cobwebs in the corners of your mind.

OBSIDIAN: Beneficially influences stomach and intestines. Connects mind and emotions. Slightly masculine energy. Grounds spiritual-energy into physical plane. Absorbs and disperses negativity. Reduces stress. Helps clear subconscious blocks. brings an understanding of silence and “the void”. Detatchment, but with wisdom and love. Powerful healer for those attuned to it. (1)


ONYX: A variety of chalcedony. Relieves stress. Balances male/female polarities. Strengthens bone marrow. Aids detatchment. Enhances emotional balance and self-control. Higher inspiration. Works with chakras and attitudes according to color of stone.


SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: Opal is hydrous silica, often with some iron and aluminum. Its chemistry is SiO2.nH2O; amount of water varies up to 10 percent. It ranges in color from White, yellow, red, pink, brown to gray, blue and even colorless. It is most easily recognized by its rich internal play of colors (opalescence). Its hardness ranges from 5-1/2 to 6-1/2. It is vitreous and pearly. The streak is white. It is not found in crystal form, rather is usually massive, botryoidal, reniform, stalactitic, and/or earthy.

ENVIRONMENT: Opal is a low-temperature mineral and usually develops in a wide variety of rocks as cavity and fracture fillings. It frequently develops as amygdules in basalt and rhyolite of volcanic rock and replaces the cells in wood and the shells of clams.

OCCURRENCE: Common opal is widespread and can be readily obtained at many places, but localities for precious opal are rare and seem to localized in W United States and Mexico. Magnificent examples of opalized wood can be found in Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington, and lively green fluorescing opal (hyalite) occurs in seams in pegmatites in New England and North Carolina and in cavities in basalt near Klamath Falls, Oregon. Beautiful precious opal, as a replacement in wood, has been obtained in Virgin Valley, Humboldt Co., Nevada. Excellent fire and precious opal occur in lava flows in N Mexico. Nevada, Australia, and Honduras are sources for black opal; Australia and Czechoslovakia for white opal; Mexico and SW United States for fire opal.

GEMSTONE INFORMATION: Black, dark blue, dark green opal with dark gray body color and fine play of colors is called [black opal;] opal with white or light body color and fine play of color is called [white opal;] and transparent to translucent opal with body color ranging from orange-yellow to red and a play of colors is called [fire opal.] Play of colors depends upon interference of light and is not dependent upon body color. Black opal is the most highly prized, and fire opal is the most valued of the orange and red varieties. Most opal is fashioned into cabochons, but some fire opals are faceted.

NAME: The word is from the Sanskrit [upala,] meaning “precious stone.”

LEGEND and LORE: Opal is a birthstone for October.

“October’s child is born for woe,
And life’s vicissitudes must know;
But lay an Opal on her breast,
And hope will lull those foes to rest.” (5)
Opals have traditionally been considered “lucky” stones…but only for those born in the month of October. It has been considered bad luck to wear them if you were born in any other month.

MAGICAL PROPERTIES: Opal is considered to be able to confer the gift of invisibility on its wearer. To accomplish this, Cunningham says “The gem was wrapped in a fresh bay leaf and carried for this purpose.” He also says, “Opals are also worn to bring out inner beauty. A beauty spell: Place a round mirror on the altar or behind it so that you can see your face within it while kneeling. Place two green candles on either side of the mirror. Light the candles. Empower an opal with your need for beauty — while holding the stone, gaze into your reflection. With the scalpel of your visualization, mold and form your face (and your body) to the form you desire. Then, carry or wear the opal and dedicate yourself to improving your appearance.” (2)

HEALING: Opals contain all the colors of the other stones, thus, it could be used in place of any of them. (They are akin to quartz crystals, in this aspect.) Generally speaking, Opal is used more frequently for healing the spirit, rather than the physical body.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: Opals are probably my favorite stone. This may be partially due to the fact that they are my birthstone, and I have been surrounded by them all of my life. For me, they are protective and invigorating. I normally use them during Journeying, and when doing “readings” for other…anything where I am using altered states of consciousness. I find that they help me to understand the symbols of my visions in a way that makes them meaningful for others.

This stone carries immense quantities of energy, both positive and negative and is thus the stone of fortune and misfortune. It is also called the stone of the Gods since it carries all colors. It represents all four elements. it attracts to the wearer whatever is written on its self. It opens the visionary aspects of the mind and encourages and aids visions and psychic journeying. It also strengthens memory and revives and clears the mind. It is also used in prophecy and divination by placing over the third eye.

It offers protection from eye diseases ( often by being wrapped in a bay leaf and being placed on the eyelid) It is used to grant wishes and to add to magickal workings. Placed in the left hand it gives affirmation of purpose, in the right hand it will strengthen the work its self. Placed on the forehead, it gives direction to thoughts and gives direct linkage to Mercury.

It provided strong aid when offering help and guidance for others but may be quite negative when used selfishly for ones self. Opals are absorbtive, they pick up energy of every type around them. They do not water. When surrounded by positiveness and security, they are quite clean and they are quite clear and bright but when negativity comes along they become cloudy. They guard a persons honor. They were once considered to be the patron stone of thieves. Also they keep the hair from going grey and are useful against boils.


PERIDOT: Found in meteorites. Completely aligns all the subtle bodies. This helps one receive information from the higher self more easily. Good stone for channeling. Visionary stone – it helps connect us to our destinies and to an understanding of the purpose of existence. Keeps the mind free from envious thoughts and jealousies. A good stone for people who cannot relate to realities beyond the physical world. Aids in manifesting physical work into material abundance. A healing stone working with the heart and solar plexus chakras.

Peridot: (Olivine): Balances glandular system. Aids tissue regeneration. Has beneficial influence on heart, pancreas, spleen, liver, adrenals. Purifies body. Enhances bloodstream. Overal balancer and tonic for body/mind. Aligns subtle bodies. Increase intuitative awareness. Reduces stress. Stimulates mind. Accelerates personal growth. Opens new doors or opportunity. (2,3,4)


PETRIFIED WOOD: It can ground you to the earth. Aids in preventing work stress. Restores physical energy. Protects against infections and bodily injuries. Helpful for arthritis, environmental pollutants, and skeletal systems. Relates to tissue regeneration and longevity. Helps us enjoy life and the evolution within out life. Used to recall past incarnations and ancient powers.


Pyrite: Aids digestion, improves circulation. Strengthens and oxygenates blood. Enhances brain functions. Influences a more positive outlook on life. Enhances emotional body, strengthens will. Helps one’s ability to work with others harmoniously. Practicality. (1,3,4)


CLEAR QUARTZ: Known as “Ice of Eternity.” All-around healer and amplifier. Capable of dispersing white light into the seven spectral colors. Aligns one’s consciousness with the electromagnetic forces of the universe, helping each of us find our own inner light that connects us with the One Light. Magnifiers of psychic and healing energies. Used to help focus and amplify one’s thoughts or intentions.

ROSE QUARTZ: It’s pink! It’s love! It’s a gentle awakening! Stimulates love of self, love of others, love of the Universe. Teaches one how to give and receive love. Teaches the power of forgiveness. Opens the heart allowing emotional release. Heals soul trauma. Clears and encourages a beautiful complexion. Prevents wrinkles. Helps one reduce weight. Works on the thymus gland. (color fades in direct sunlight)

SMOKEY QUARTZ: Stimulates and purifies the base chakra. Channels the white light energy of the crown chakra into the first chakra to be rooted deep into the physical plane. I will give one a sense of pride about walking the earth and inhabiting a physical body. It helps one come to terms with their body, their heart, their life and their world. Gives one the power to manifest their dreams and visions of earth. Enables one to assimilate more in life by teaching to let go of what is no longer needed for growth. Grounding.

RUTILATED QUARTZ: Integrates the Life Force into our bodies. Energizes, rejuvenates, and balances the system. Strengthens positive direction. Raises your vibration – prevents depression. Heals the soul center. Increases clairvoyance. Strengthens thought projection. Opens connections with the universal others. Aids in past life memories. Aids in getting answers to questions asked. Helps the body assimilate nutrients, helps the immune system, slows dis-eases of aging as it stimulates tissue regeneration.

TOURMALATED QUARTZ: The combination of clear white and radiant black creates a perfect polarity of energies and creates a natural balance in whatever work is done with it. The black tends to neutralize one’s negative energies and is a dedicated servant to the light. Stimulates astral projection.

SNOW QUARTZ: Stimulates your hopes and stabilizes your dreams. Helps you use your own inner resources and potentials to alleviate your self-blocks. Helps us have a focus of purity in ourselves. Promotes clarity of mind and activates the crown chakra. It shows us our oneness with our Creator. Helps one have a love of truth.

BLUE QUARTZ: A fine peace and tranquility stone. Stimulates creativity and expression.

GREEN QUARTZ: Stimulates creativity. An all-around healer, it soothes, heals, and balances. Prosperity stone.


are formed along energy lines found within the natural forces of the earth itself. Even beyond the earth within the natural forces of the cosmos itself. The stars you see about the earth at night and the other planets also radiates lines of force. These lines literally transverse the earth itself and generates energy along the meridian of these lines…It is along these lines that crystals are formed in the natural state. So in essence they are the energy of the cosmos itself.

Nature acts as a storehouse of energy. We have to learn to tap this storehouse, if man were to know of the natural abilities of crystals. There would not be any problems of energy shortages. Crystals are energy in themselves, in many different forms.

Crystals help with clairvoyance, generate energy, keep away nightmares. If powdered it is good for swelling, heart disease, eye disease, fever, intestinal problems. In Scotland it is the stone of victory..

Apollo Sun Moon

Quartz crystal (clear): Enhances the crystalline properties of blood, body and mind. Activates and enhances pineal and pituitary glands .Emotional balancer. Stimulates brain functions. Amplifies thought forms. Full spectrum energy activates all levels of consciousness. Dispels negativity in one’s energy field and in environment. Receives, activates, stores, trasmits and amplifies energy. Excellent for meditation. Enhances interdimensional communication and communication with Higher Self and Spirit Guides. (All)

Herkimer Diamond: a type of quartz crystal. Cleanses subtle bodies. Reduces stress. Balances and purifies energy within body/mind. Similar qualities as clear quartz. Powerful amplifier. Enhances inner vision. Increases awareness of dreams – “dream crystal.” Stores thorugh forms and information. (All)

Rose Quartz: Aids kidneys and circulatory system. Increases fertility. Eases sexual/emotional imbalances. Helps clear stored anger, resentment, guilt, fear, jealousy. Reduces stress and tension, cools hot temper. Enhances self- confidence and creativity. Aids development of forgiveness, compassion, love. (4)

Rutilated Quartz: Regeneration of tissue throughout body. Enhances life-force. Strengthens immune system. Stimulates brain functions. Eases depression, facilitates inspiration. Increases clairvoyance. Highly electrical, more intensity than clear quartz. Pierces through layers of physical/emotional/mental density. Transmutes negativity.Enhances communication with Higher Self and Spirit Guides. (All).

Smoky Quartz: Strengthens adrenals, kidneys, pancreas. Increases fertility, balances sexual energy. Aids depression. Mildly sedative and relaxing. Initiates movement of kundalini. Dissipates subconscious blocks and negativity on all levels. Grounding, centering. Excellent for meditation. Enhances dream awareness and channelling abilities. (1,2,3)

Tourmalated Quartz: Clear quartz with black tourmaline crystals balances male/female polarities. Aids in balancing extremes. Grounding, very protective, dissipates negativity. Combines forces of clear quartz and black tourmaline. (1,7)


RHODOCHROSITE: It can beautifully guide you in your quest for emotional happiness. Unites the conscious and the subconscious. Helps restore balance to the psyche when it has been wounded by emotional or physical trauma. Connects the heart and solar plexus. It can bring new love into your life. Integrates the physical, emotional, and mental with the inspirational and spiritual aura layers. Strong transmitter of energy and aura fields – an electrical conductor. Used to open the healing chakras in the palms of the hands. Improves the “not wanting to see” types of eye and vision dis-eases. Aids acceptance, interpretation, and assimilation of what is seen.

Rhodochrosite: Aids spleen, kidneys, heart, pituitary gland and circulation of blood. Enhances memory and intellectual power. Emotional balancer. Helps heal emotional wounds and traumas. Aligns subtle bodies. Red/pink color helps to blend courage/will/passion aspects of lower chakras with loving expression of the heart. Divine love, acceptance of self and life. Powerful healer for those attuned to it.


RHODONITE: Promotes self-esteem, feelings of self-worth and good self confidence. Good for relieving mental unrest and confusion, anxious foreboding and incoherence. Fends off unwanted influences from etheric planes. Has a very beneficial effect upon the growth of bones and the hearing system. It fine-tunes audio capabilities, making it a good stone for musicians.

Compiled by Fern Bouchard

Rhodonite: Aids central nervous system, thyroid gland, body reflexes, pituitary gland, pancreas. Strengthens immunity. Improves memory. Eases physical/emotional trauma. Reduces stress, calms mind. Alighns root and heart chakras for bringing love into action and manifestation (red/black variety). Self-esteem, confidence. Enhances energy levels in body mind. Pink variety (no black) helps impart understanding of strength within vulnerability. Great stone for light-workers serving in cities.


RHYOLITE: A physical and emotional stabilizer. Helps strengthen the permanency of a love relationship. Stimulates emotional ardor. Rejuvenates physical beauty.


Ruby: Aids regeneration of physical/spiritual heart. Enhances circulation. Vitalizes blood and entire body/mind system. Strengthens immunity. Activates sluggish or dormant conditions on physical/spiritual levels. Refines lower passions. Courage, integrity, selfless service, joy, spiritual devotion, power, leadership. Helps banish sense of limitation.


SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: Sapphire is a member of the Corundum family, along with ruby. Both are basically aluminum oxide. It’s chemistry is Al2O3. All colors of Corundum are considered to be “sapphire” unless they are red (Ruby.) It ranges in color from pink, blue, green, violet, gray, yellow and many shades in between. Black sapphire is colored by an admixture of magnetite, hematite or spinel (emery). Corundum is one of the hardest stones, rated at 9. The streak is white.

ENVIRONMENT: The crystals are Hexagonal; sometimes tapering prismatic; also pyramidal, tabular. It is often striated.

OCCURRENCE: Gem quality sapphire have been found at only a few places in North America: at Yogo Gulch, Judith Basin Co., Montana, and at several places in North Carolina. Thailand, Ceylon, and Burma are the principal sources.

NAME: Corundum is from [kuruntam], a Tamil word derived from Sanskrit [kuruvinda,] meaning “ruby.” (I have not been able to locate a source for the word “sapphire”.)

LEGEND and LORE: Sapphire has been associated with divine favor. The Buddhists believed that the sapphire favored devotion and spiritual enlightenment. It is the birthstone for the month of September:

MAGICAL PROPERTIES: The ancient Greeks linked sapphire with Apollo, and wore it as an aid to prophecy when consulting oracles. For this reason, it is considered an aid for developing the “third eye”. It was also considered to be able to guard its owner from being captured. It is worn and utilized in rituals to strengthen the ability to tap and send forth power.

HEALING: Sapphire has been use as an aide to healing ailments of the eyes. It is also considered a booster for the immune system, protecting the body in general from disease.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: I’ve only recently acquired two sapphires. One of them is from Saudi Arabia, and is faceted. The second one I bought on March 13, 1993, and is probably from Thailand. As a result, I haven’t really had a chance to work with them, so I have no comments at the moment.

NOTES: Corundum is used as an abrasive. It is also used as the “jewels” in watches with “jewel movements.”

Sapphire: Strengthens heart and kidneys. Activates pituitary gland, thereby aiding entire glandular system. Aligns body/mind/spirit. Stimulates psychic abilities, clarity and inspiration. Creative expression, loyalty, love. Aids connection with Higher Self/Spirit Guides. Strengthens will. Expands cosmic awareness. Dispels confusion. Excellent for meditation. (5,6)


SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: Selenite is the name given to colorless, transparent Gypsum. It is a Hydrous calcium sulfate with the chemistry of CaSO4.2H2O. The hardness is 1- 1/2 to 2.

ENVIRONMENT: Gypsum is a very common sulfate mineral. Although it may be found in several rock types, it develops principally in sedimentary rocks of chemical origin, where it roms rock gypsum deposits in beds that may be 10m (30′) in thickness. It also occurs associated with dolomite and barite in hydrothermal replacement deposits.

OCCURRENCE: At Lockport, Niagra Co., New York, beautiful transparent crystals occur lining cavity walls in dolomite. Large crystals have been found at South Was, Wayne Co., Utah. Crystals up to 1.2 m (4′) long have been found in the Maravilla Mine, Naica, Chihuahua, Mexico.

NAME: The name comes from the Greek [selenites], meaning “moon stone”.

LEGEND and LORE: I was unable to find anything listed for “ancient” uses of this version of Gypsum.

MAGICAL PROPERTIES: Cunningham states “…it is exchanged between lovers for reconciliation.”

HEALING: Stein mentions a case of using the stone, in a “lump” form for increasing milk flow in a nursing mother. Katrina Raphaell is the only other healer that I can reference that uses Selenite. She refers to it as a healer of the psyche, rather than of the physical dimension.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: Selenite can calm a confused mind. Because of it is Gypsum, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it for any calcium deficiency diseases or for healing broken bones (although I haven’t had an opportunity to try it on bones yet.) My Selenite wand is relatively new, and I have not yet fully explored it’s potential.

NOTES: In the past, crystalline Selenite has been used to make eyeglass lenses. Long Selenite “wands” can be found. But caution is advised with this stone: because it is so soft and has a high water content, it “bends” quite easily. Even the heat from your hand, while holding it can cause it to bend and curl.

Selenite: Strengthens bones, teeth. Soothes nerves. Has positive effect on brain, aiding power of concentration. Enhances willpower. Grounded white light. (7)


SODALITE: Clears the mind for deeper and more wise thinking. Helps clear old mental patterns – guilt and fear. Helps connect your thoughts to your feelings. Strengthens the power of mind over body. Grounding for those who over- react emotionally. Throat stone. Stabilizes the thyroid. Helps one speak more and gain more confidence. Clears vision and opens third eye. Prolongs physical endurance. Aids in the manufacture of insulin to help stabilize diabetes.

Sodalite: Aids pancreas, balances endocrine system, strengthens metabolism and lymphatic system. Balances male/female polarities. Alleviates fear. Calms and clears the mind. Slightly sedative, grounding. Cuts through density and illusion, bringing clarity and truth. Enhances communication, creative expression. Similar qualities as lapis lazuli. (5,6)


SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: If a transparent or translucent mineral contains numerous thin, hair-like fibers of another mineral, light reflected from a polished surface displays a fibrous sheen like satin or silk. This effect is called [chatoyancy] and is responsible for the streaks of light in catseye gems and star stones. Most commonly, the inclusions in corundum (sapphire, ruby) are rutile. Other stones that may display the star effect are garnet and tourmaline. For the catseye effect, the fibers lay in parallel bundles. When they are crystallized out parallel to the triagonal crystal symmetry, (two or more such lines intersect in the middle,) the appearance of a four-, six- or even twelve-rayed star may appear. The star stones are referred to as [asterias.] The twelve-rayed star is the most rare, and therefore the most valuable.

In most cases, star stones are produced as cabochons (that is, with a rounded top). It is important that these should be cut so that the star is exactly in the middle of the round stone.

Most star stones are a pale grey, but they can also be found in the richest colors. Occasionally one of the three rays of the star greatly predominates and stones are then cut as oval cat’s-eyes. Almandine Garnets, when they display a star are referred to as [carbuncles].

LEGEND and LORE: In the East, star stones and cat’s-eyes are considered exceptionally lucky, especially in games of chance. They have also been used for scrying.

MAGICAL PROPERTIES: In general, a stone displaying the star type chatoyancy is considered to be magically strengthened. A star in a sapphire increases the users ability to tap the subconscious/higher mind. A star ruby is considered to be a particularly potent protection against other forms of magic.

HEALING: Star stones can be used in the same ways as the stone, but with increased power/potency.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: I’ve only recently acquired a star ruby (March 13, 1993), so I really haven’t had time to work with it. I have used star garnets. I use them to represent two friends of mine who are astrologers, who also have problems dealing with money. The star is for the astrology. The red color is for the Root Chakra, Muldhara. This Chakra is the base of survival. It is grounded in material reality, so it is the center of manifestation.


SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: Staurolite (also known as “Fairy Cross”) is a basic silicate of iron and aluminum, often with some magnesium and zinc. The chemical formula is rather long, Fe2Al9Si4O22(OH)2. It’s hardness is on par with quartz, ranging from 7 to 7-1/2. They are yellowish brown, reddish to brownish black, weathering to grey and are somewhat dull in appearance. The streak is white. They are collectors items because twinned crystals often intergrow at nearly 90 degree angles, forming a cross.

ENVIRONMENT: Staurolite occurs with albite, biotitie, and sillimanite in gneiss and schist of regional metamorphic rocks.

OCCURRENCE: In North America, twinned crystals are found at Windham, Cumberland Co., Maine; at Sugar Hill, Franconia and Lisbon, Grafton Co., New Hampshire; and in Fannin Co., Georgia. Particularly fine twinned crystals can also be found near Pilar, Rio Arriba Co., New Mexico. They have also been found at Pizzo Forno, Switzerland, France and Scotland.

NAME: The name comes from the Greek [stauros], meaning ‘cross’.

LEGEND and LORE: Staurolite was considered to be a representative of all four elements: Air, Fire, Earth and Water. It was believed that a person who possessed this talisman could cause the elements to do his/her bidding. In addition, it was believed that the 90 degree cross represented the crossing of the spiritual and physical planes. After the arrival of Christianity, these stones were popular with those who entered a crusade. Many people now days carry them as a good luck charm.

MAGICAL PROPERTIES: Cunningham says “To gain control over the elemental forces, wear a staurolite set in any electrum fashioned as a ring or pendant.”

HEALING: I’ve been unable to find ANY reference to this stone used in healing. All references I’ve seen refer to it as protective, or lucky, or elemental.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: I do not currently have one in my collection.

NOTES: Transparent, single crystals of staurolite are occasionally cut into faceted gems.


SUGILITE (or) LUVULITE: Third eye activator. Opens the connection between mind and body. It attunes one to their mental body to see what is creating the physical problem and in doing so, gain the healing power necessary to balance the physical body. Helps spiritually oriented individuals deal with the sometimes overwhelming negative energies present on the planet. A stone to use for children to keep the innocence, wisdom, and magic of the child’s world as they grow into adulthood. Also used to re-awaken those qualities in adults. Helps one connect with their own inner light. Helps cancer patients release the old angers, resentments, fears, guilts, frustrations, sorrows, or insecurities that manifested the disease.

Sugilite: Enhances functions of pineal, pituitary and adrenal glands. Activates and balances brain hemispheres. Strengthens heart. Aids physical healing and purification of bodily systems. Emotional balancer, reduces stress. Brings higher spiritual awareness into physical reality. Enhances sensitivity. Strong protective qualities. Excellent for meditation. Enhances channeling abilities. (6,7)


SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: Sunstone is a member of the Plagioclase Feldspar Group. This group is a series of mixtures of sodium and calcium aluminum silicates. Sometimes confused with Fire Opal, this stone has a fiery, multicolored flash, mostly golden yellow and orange thru red-orange in hue. Rather than the “flash” being “inside” the stone, as it is with opal, it is more on the surface, resembling a “red/orange/yellow labradorite.” The average hardness is 6 and the streak is white.

ENVIRONMENT: The plagioclase feldspars are important rock- forming minerals and are found in many kinds of igneous and metamorphic rocks.

OCCURRENCE: The best material is from Tvedestrand, Norway. It is found in small masses several inches across of a deep reddish-orange color. Cut gems produce gleaming golden reflections. Fair Sunstone has been found in Alan Wood Iron Mine, Mine Hill, New Jersey and occasionally from Modoc County California. Some material has also been found in Oregon and Canada, although I suspect this is Orthoclase material.

GEMSTONE INFORMATION: Many of the feldspars have traditionally been cut into cabochons and polished because of their “internal glow”. Sunstone, although rather rare, has been treated in this manner. More often, cut stones called “sunstones” are a clear/yellow Orthoclase, rather than the Plagioclase.

NAME: Sunstone derives it’s name from it’s appearance: Its bright golden orange flash reminds us of the Sun’s rays. LEGEND and LORE: Sunstone was used by Magicians in the past, to invoke the energies associated with the Sun. There is very little data available on ancient usages. This is probably because the stone is rare.

MAGICAL PROPERTIES: Cunningham suggests that this stone can be used to enliven sexual energy.

HEALING: Again, there isn’t much literature on healing uses, either. Cunningham suggest placing a piece in with dried healing herbs to strengthen their potency. He also suggest that it will add physical strength and stamina when carried or worn.


SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: Tigereye is a type of quartz that is chatoyant from inclusions of crocidolite abestos. It is lusterous yellow to brown, vitreous, greasy luster and the streak is white. The hardness is 7.

ENVIRONMENT: Quartz is an important rock-forming mineral and developed in many different environments.

OCCURRENCE: Beautiful Tigereye comes from Austria and South- West Africa, mainly near Griquatown.

GEMSTONE INFORMATION: This stone is normally tumbled or cut into cabochons. It is very rare to find a piece larger than 2″ across.

NAME: The name is from the appearance of the stone, banded browns and golden yellows.

LEGEND and LORE: The various “eye” stones have always been considered strong talismans. It was believed that a person possessing one could see everything, even behind closed doors. Egyptians carved it into god figurines, to represent divine vision.

MAGICAL PROPERTIES: “Tiger’s-eye is a fine stone for promoting wealth and money. A simple money spell involves empowering several tiger’s-eyes with your need for money. Use them to surround a green candle. Light the candle and visualize.” (4)

HEALING: This stone is soothing for emotional turmoil. It will help you to see things in the best light. It is optimistic! It also promotes courage and strength. This stone is also used traditionally, for diseases of the eye.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: I use Tigereye as a stone to help my clients “see clearly” emotional issues that they are having trouble dealing with. Because it allows them to look at things both objectively and optimistically…and hopefully learn whatever lessons are needed and move onward. In addition, I find that Tigereye can aid in visualization, especially during past-life regressions.

NOTES: The Crocidolite that causes the chatoyancy in Tigereye is normally blue.

Oxidation changes it to a brown color. (Unoxidized Tigereye is called Hawkseye, and is a blue chatoyant mineral.)
TIGER EYE: Carry for clear thinking, accurate judgement, protection, and good-luck. Symbolizes personal power, integrity, and the ability to bring heaven to earth. Aids in manifesting ideas and visualizations into reality. Helps one recognize past life connections with others. Picks up the sounds of the earth – the pulsations. Psychic protector, guards against negativity. Helps one find the most advantageous and positive way to reveal their inner light. Promotes wealth.

BLUE TIGER EYE (or) HAWK’S EYE: An emerging power stone for the base chakra. It will greatly assist one to gain perspective on issues or situations in daily life. Symbolizes the ability to see the physical as if you were gazing down from above it. Can facilitate understanding of how the world works. It will bring a deep peace and healing into physical realities.

Compiled by Fern Bouchard

Tiger-Eye: Variety of chalcedony (quartz). Beneficial for spleen, pancreas, digestive organs, colon. Emotional balancer. Enhances connection with personal power and will. Grounding, centering. Helps soften stubbornness. Enhances clear perception and insight. Slightly masculine energy. (2,3)


TOPAZ: If you want to conquer your fears, wear a topaz. A stone of trust, strength, and protection. It relieves depression, anger, fear, tension headaches, and insomnia. Bestows inner vision and helps light up the correct direction to pursue. Increases personal abilities. Stimulates the intellect for writers, scientists, and artists. It aids abstract thinking and creativity. Believed to prevent colds and tuberculosis as it strengthens the breath.

Compiled by Fern Bouchard

Topaz (Golden): Tissue regeneration. Strengthens liver, gallbladder, spleen, digestive organs, nervous system. detoxifies body. Warming, awakening, inspiring. Abundance. (2,7)

Topaz (Blue): Tissue regeneration. Strengthens thyroid gland, enhances metabolism. Emotional balance. Cooling, soothing, peace, tranquility. Creativity, self-expression. Enhances psychic perception, communication with Higher Self/Spirit Guides. (4,5,6)


SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: Tourmaline which is green-and-pink zoned, (pink in the center and green on the outside,) is referred to as Watermelon Tourmaline. The coloring is most pronounced when cut in “slices” perpendicular to the long axis of the crystal. The Tourmaline group is a complex silicate of boron and aluminum, whose composition varies widely because of substitutions. The chemical formula reflects this complexity, Na(Mg, Fe)3Al6(BO3)3(Si6O18)(OH,F)4. The hardness is between 7 and 7-1/2 and the streak is white.

ENVIRONMENT: Tourmaline forms in igneous and metamorphic rocks and veins. It occurs with lepidolite, microcline, and spodumene in granite pegmatites; with andalusite and biotite in schist of regional metamorphic rocks; with siderite and quartz in hypothermal veins, nd with molybdenite and cassiterite in massive hydrothermal replacement deposits.

OCCURRENCE: The most famous Tourmaline deposits are in Sri Lanka, the Soviet Union (Urals), Afghanistan, Burma, California, Maine, Connecticut, Brazil, Tanzania, Zimbabwe and Namibia.

GEMSTONE INFORMATION: Tourmalines are mounted or cut into faceted gems.

NAME: The name is from the Singhalese [touramalli], which means “mixed colored stones”. The reference to Watermelon refers to the appearance of a “slice”.

LEGEND and LORE: I am unable to find any “ancient” references to Tourmaline. I think this is partially due to them being confused with other stones that their coloring resembles. The closest that I could come was a reference to the “ancients” using various colors of Tourmaline for “calming and relaxation.”

MAGICAL PROPERTIES: In the past, Tourmaline (of any color) was not commonly used for magical purposes. Cunningham suggests its use for balancing the male and female aspects of personality.

HEALING: This stone, because of it’s dual coloring is considered important in linking the upper and lower Chakras. It is associated with the Heart Chakra for this purpose. It is also recommended as a “balancing” stone, because it contains opposite colors (green/red).

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: I use Watermelon Tourmaline as a primary stone for healing work involving cancer and Aids. Often, if I have to choose a single stone for anyone with these diseases, I will choose Watermelon Tourmaline. Green Tourmaline is a general healing stone, and Pink Tourmaline works with the heart and emotions. The combination works well for all-around healing and understanding of the basic causes.

WATERMELON TOURMALINE: The best heart chakra healer around. It cleanses the old while building the new. The green ray heals the emotional wounds the heart has stored while the pink inspires the love to flow within and without. It helps build a sense of humor for those who take life too seriously. Balances the projective and receptive (masculine and feminine) energies within the body.

Tourmaline (All colors): Aids balance of endocrine system. Aids sleep. Strengthens, vitalizes body/mind. Acitvates and enhances crystaline properties of body/mind. Aligns subtle bodies. Dispels fear and negative conditions. Strong protective influence. Concentration, inspiration. Enhances sensitivity and understanding. Powerful healer, highly electromagnetic. The various colors will activate and align corresponding chakras:

Black (Schorl) – 1
Watermelon – 1,4
Green – 4
Blue (Indicolite) – 5, 6
Red/Pink(Rubelite) – 1,4


SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: Turquoise is a Hydrous basic phosphate of copper and aluminum. It may occasionally contain some iron. The chemistry is CuAl6(PO4)4(OH)8.4-5H2). This mineral ranges from sky-blue through bluish green; even occasionally apple green. The streak is white and the hardness is between 5 and 6.

ENVIRONMENT: Turquoise forms as a secondary mineral in the zone of alteration in disseminated hydrothermal replacement deposits.

OCCURRENCE: The finest Turquoise comes from the southwest slope of the Ali-Mirsa-Kuh Mts., near Nishapur, Khurasan, Iran. In North America turquoise is found mostly in the Southwest and occasionally in Mexico. Microscopic crystals of Turquoise occur in fractured quartz in a small copper prospect near Lynch Station, Campbell Co., Virginia.

GEMSTONE INFORMATION: Gem-quality Turquoise ranges in color from pale blue to bright blue. Vein Turquoise is usually poor in quality and does not take the polish that can be given to nodular Turquoise. Much Turquoise is porous, but it can be plastic-impregnated before use. Turquoise is used for cabochons or carved.

NAME: The name was originally French, [turquoise,] meaning “Turkish” It originally referred to material from the great localities in Persia (now Iran), which had passed through Turkey via the old trade routes and was mistakenly believed to have been excavated there.

LEGEND and LORE: This stone has long been used for protection against traumatic injuries. It was thought that the stone would shatter, thus warning the wearer of imminent physical danger. It was also used to decorate the bridles of horses, to protect them against broken bones from falls. Among the Native Americans of the Southwestern United States, Turquoise is believed to be a connector of Earth and Sky. It is one of the four “elemental” gemstones of the Pueblos; (the others are coral, jet and abalone shell). This is considered to be one of the Birthstones for December:

“If cold December gives you birth,
The month of snow, and ice, and mirth,
Place on your hand a Turquoise blue;
Success will bless whate’re you do.”

MAGICAL PROPERTIES: Turquoise is thought to increase Wisdom. “An old ritual utilized Turquoise to gain wealth. Perform this rite a few days after the New Moon when the crescent is first visible in the sky. Avoid looking at the Moon until the proper time. Hold a Turquoise in your hand. Visualize your magical need — money — manifesting in your life. Move outside and look at the Moon. Then directly shift your gaze to the Turquoise. The magic has begun. Carry the stone with you until the money arrives.” (4)

HEALING: It is recommended that healers wear Turquoise to increase their power. This stone is also said to heal the emotional “heart” of the individual. In addition it has been recommended for healing stomach disorders and for the eyes.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: I call Turquoise the “talk to me” stone. I use it at the Throat Chakra, in association with it’s elemental side (water) to “make the words flow” when an individual has difficulty expressing themselves. In addition, whenever I make an animal fetish to represent a clients totem animal, I normally include a small chip of Turquoise where the throat would be. This is to encourage the Animal Spirit to “communicate” with the person. Finally, I will often carry a piece, or wear a piece of Turquoise when I am going to do a “reading” or teaching, both for mundane or metaphysical topics, because of its connection with Wisdom.

Turquoise: Tones, strengthens entire body. Tissue regeneration. Aids circulation, lungs, respiratory system. Vitalizes blood, nervous system, Aligns chakras. Enhances meditation. Creative expression, peace of mind, emotional balance, communication, friendship, loyalty. (5)


UNIKITE: Combination of pink feldspar and green epidote. The pink in unikite speaks to the heart chakra to awaken the love within. the green lends its healing qualities to any hurts which have been sustained. The pink is more grounding than rose quartz. Unikite has a leveling effect and helps to balance the emotional aspects of the body.


VARISCITE: Benefits the nervous system, the eyes, and those who wish to investigate past-life experiences. Healers can use this stone to fully understand the energies of those they are working with.

Compiled by Fern Bouchard

Variscite: Soothing, calming, balancing for body/mind. Aids blood, heart, emotional stability. Helps one recall past lives. Self confidence. Abundance. (4,3)


Zircon: Strengthens the mind. Aids bowel problems. Balances pituitary and pineal glands. Aligns subtle bodies. Emotional balance, self-esteem. Aids sleep. Similar properties as diamond and quartz crystal. All around healer.


GOLD: Purifies and energizes the physical body, improves circulation, strengthens nervous system. Balances and develops heart chakra. Balances hemispheres of brain. Aids tissue regeneration. Attracts positive energy into aura. Amplifies thought forms. Aids personal illumination. Solar energy/male aspect. (2,4,7)

SILVER Enhances mental functions. Aids circulation. Strengthens blood, physically and etherically. Strengthens pineal and pituitary glands. Relieves stress. Relates to the moon, subconscious, female aspect. Emotional balance. Speech improvement. Excellent energy conductor.

COPPER Influences flow of blood. Supplies strong energy to body/mind. Aids metabolism. Helps detoxify body. An aid for exhaustion and sexual imbalance. Aligns physical/emotional bodies. Raises self-esteem. Strong conductor of energy.