Tips for Protection for Empaths
Visualizing that you are removing or shielding yourself from energy is helpful for creating a necessary energetic boundary between yourself and others. There are two visualizations that are recommended for empaths. The first should be used in the morning after waking up, and at night before going to sleep. Stand quietly, taking deep breaths with your arms out stretched. Imagine that a giant pair of scissors are cutting around your body, as if to make a paper cutout of you. Picture the scissors cutting away all energetic ties and negative attachments. This allows you to become one with the energy of release. Hold a piece of Black Tourmaline in each hand to take this to the next level.
The second visualization is useful for preparing your mind before walking into a potentially stressful situation. For example, if you are an empath who works around a lot of people, you may find it helpful to get in the right frame of mind before entering that space. To do this, sit in your car, or a quiet space, before walking into that environment, and breathe long, deep breaths. Once you’ve found your center, visualize a bubble forming around you. This is your shield. Repeat a mantra to yourself, chanting: “I am protected.” When you feel that this shield is strong enough to take on the day’s toxic energy, you’re ready to end the practice. Place a selenite necklace around your neck and head in. In our opinion, wearing one of these necklaces is one of the best practices for protection for empaths. Selenite helps to remove any unwanted energy or energy that is not yours to remove blocks and maintain balance. It also helps to protect and clear your energy field, to ensure that your energy is 100% your own.
Crystal Meditation
Meditating with crystals will help bolster your emotional wellbeing, and allow you to cut the cords of energy vampires who are draining you of all your energetic life force. Black kyanite is recommended for empaths because it acts as a “sword” to take to unhealthy ties. It protects the energy field from people who feast on your positivity, but offer you nothing back. Connecting with Kyanite’s energy when your own energy is drained, forces you to evaluate what’s getting you down. When you decipher what energy is yours, and what energy has been stuck to you, you can set about releasing that toxic negativity. This crystal works with all of the chakras to bring your energy field back into alignment. Sit with black kyanite in meditation, or use it in combination it with the visualization technique. Holding a piece of black kyanite in your hand, sweep it over your body as you picture it cutting away ties.
Clearing and Protecting Your Space
Your home should be your sacred space, where you can escape from all of the energies seeking to attach themselves to you. One way to protect the purity of your space, an essential for protection for empaths, is to create a crystal grid around it. Black tourmaline is a highly protective and shielding crystal. Place a piece of black tourmaline outside all of the entrances to your home. If you are already feeling a dark energy, for added protection, place a piece of black tourmaline in each of the four corners of the room, with small bowls of sea salt to soak up the negative energy.
The practice of sage cleansing, with the intention of dispelling the energy that has come home with you, will keep your environment and psyche from being darkened by the day’s energy. As you sage, preferably nightly or as needed, waft the purifying smoke into the areas of the room that get the most traffic, paying close attention not to skip the windows, closets and doorways.
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