A powerful protection stone, Black Onyx absorbs and transforms negative energy, and helps to prevent the drain of personal energy. Black Onyx aids the development of emotional and physical strength and stamina, especially when support is needed during times of stress.
Onyx is a gemstone of inner strength and protection. It is believed to be one of the most important healing gemstones in existence, making onyx jewelry very beneficial to wear. Black Onyx works to enhance your endurance and persistence, helping you to power through even the most dreary and unpleasant tasks. Wearing an onyx bracelet can help to energetically boost the retention of information, empowering your mind and increasing your attention to detail—making onyx jewelry especially beneficial for students to wear while studying! onyx jewelry
Black Onyx jewelry is highly protective, helping to shield the mind and body from negative, harmful and electromagnetic energy—making it the perfect base gemstone for all our Protection onyx bracelets and necklaces. It facilitates the release of negativity, stress, and anxiety, and even can help relieve feelings of depression. Wearing an onyx stone bracelet also helps to calm your fears, leaving you feeling much more secure and stable. Black Onyx helps to calm excessive energies—such as stress, anxiety, nervousness and hot tempers—helping to relieve stress and replace this with positive energy. Carry a black onyx stone in your pocket or purse into situations of conflict to help you maintain a calm and collected demeanor.
Black Onyx stone jewelry can also help you to build up your physical strength, encouraging you to maintain your personal energy instead of allowing it to dissipate. Wearing a black onyx bracelet throughout your workday, and even through your workout, helps you to remain focused on achieving your goals and finishing your projects. It is an excellent gemstone for body builders, as it encourages you to stay with your program and facilitates a sense of satisfaction when you reach your goals—regardless of how modest they may be. Black Onyx also helps you to control, focus and direct your motivation and willpower to increase and magnify your personal power.
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