Clear Quartz: A white crystal considered a master healer, amplifying energy, improving memory and concentration, and balancing energy. Often paired with rose quartz for enhanced abilities.
Obsidian: A black crystal that provides intense protection, removing negative energy and emotions, promoting strength, clarity, and self-discovery.
Rose Quartz: A pink crystal associated with love, restoring trust in relationships, offering comfort, and promoting self-worth.
Jasper: A smooth crystal that nurtures, empowers, and protects, promoting courage and confidence.
Turquoise: A blue crystal that heals mind, body, and soul, balances emotions, and promotes spiritual grounding.
Amethyst: A purple crystal that protects, purifies, and promotes wisdom, willpower, and healthy sleep.
Tiger’s Eye: A golden crystal that boosts motivation, balances mind and body, and guides clear decision making.
Moonstone: A white crystal for new beginnings, promoting inner growth, intuition, and success.
Bloodstone: A green crystal that draws off negative energy, promotes creativity, reduces irritability, and symbolizes blood-related processes.
Black Tourmaline: Black tourmaline is believed to protect against negative energies and electromagnetic radiation. It’s also said to help with grounding and physical healing.
Citrine: Citrine is known for its energizing and uplifting properties. It’s said to help with self-confidence, abundance, and manifestation.
Jade: Jade is believed to have a soothing and healing energy. It’s also said to help with emotional balance, stability, and physical healing.
To select a crystal, first identify your needs, then let intuition guide you to the right one. To cleanse your crystal, use running water, sea salt, sunlight/moonlight, or sage.
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