Best Crystals for Chakras

Crystals for Chakras Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means wheel. Where two or more lines of energy (meridians ) cross within the body a chakra exists. They appear like wheels or swirling balls of energy to those people who see energies – hence the name. These are the centers which control the flow and…

Best Crystals for Gemini

Best Crystals for Gemini Gemini Birthstone Meanings Agate is the label given to a specific type of stone. Theres a number of different types of Agate, and all of these stones are a variety of chalcedony, minerals within the quartz group. Moss Agate Green Moss Agate The lovely Green and Blue Moss Agate, pictured here,…

Crystals for Good Luck

Crystals for Good Luck and Lucky Stones for Strength and Protection Good Luck Love Stones See the world through rose tinted glasses by tapping into the universal love of rose quartz. This stone will open up your heart chakra to every kind of love that you need—whether it’s self-love, familial love, friendship love, love for…

Citrine Crystals Positive Effects and Healing Properties

Best of Citrine Crystals Positive Effects and Healing Properties. Natural Citrine Healing Crystals What is Citrine? Citrine is a yellow stone made from silicon dioxide. It can be seen in white to brown colors apart from the yellow common shade. One of the popular yellow healing crystals, citrine connects with your higher chakras to clear…