How to See AURAS

  What is an Aura? An Aura is in its simplest terms the electromagnetic field that surrounds every living thing on the planet, from humans to plants. It is an electromagnetic field that is quantifiable by scientific research. As human beings our aura is particularly complex with seven distinct layers each of which affects our…

Transcental Meditation

Transcendental meditation is the simplest and easiest form of meditation. This century old meditation technique has been known to reduce stress in the most straightforward way. This Vedic knowledge from India has been handed down by generations to keep the tradition alive. It gained popularity due to the uncomplicated form of practice which just requires…

All you Need to Know About Yoga

  Yoga involves Eight Basic Principles “Yama” means restraint and involves following characteristics such as ahmisa(compassion for all), satya( truthfulness), asteya (non-stealing) and brahmacharya (celibacy or regulated sex life). “Niyamas” means observances and involves: hri (remorse), santosha (contentment), dana(giving alms), astikya (having faith in the guru), ishvarapujana (worshipping the Lord), siddhanta shravana (studying scriptures), mati…

Relaxation Techniques for People Who Can’t Meditate

It can be more difficult for people with chronic anxiety to meditate, because they have more stress-ridden thoughts than the average person, according to clinical psychologist Mitch Abblett. That said, there are plenty of ways to achieve the same level of relaxation without sitting cross-legged on the floor. They’re all rooted in a technique called…